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关键字  托福口语考试 托福口语 托福考试 新通外语
2016-07-14 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者:马晨抒 阅读量: 手机阅读




7月16日托福口语考试预测Task 1第一题: 【在线咨询

题目:What do you think we should do to reduce the use of cars or other vehicles in order to solve the traffic problems? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

托福口语高分范文:In my opinion, we should promote the convenience of public transportation to solve traffic problems. According to the report of Transportation Administration, most people would not choose bus because of its poor facilities, for example, the hard and dirty chairs never make people comfortable; even worse, there is never enough chair for everyone. With crowed people standing and yelling, the narrow and closed space in public transportation only drive more people to cozy and private cars. Furthermore, the routes of public transportation should be designed more appropriate. If the bus station could be much easier to reach, I believe people would take more bus than cars.


7月16日托福口语考试预测Task 1的另一个预测依旧是千年老题,考科技发明对于社会的影响。

题目:Which of the following inventions do you think has made the greatest impact on people in your country, the airplane, the computer, or the television? Please include specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

托福口语范文:I think computers have brought the greatest impact on people in my country. Firstly, Chinese economy is promoted by computers. Computer-based internet industry contributes a big part to domestic economy, which is  not only about monetary increase but also work opportunities for the young. Even many young people start their own business on internet, which was super challenging before the invention of computers and internet.In other words, computers offer young Chinese a key to open a new gate. Secondly, computers make civil life easier, like on line shopping, long-distance communication, such computer based services lower the living cost and increase the living satisfactory.

7月16日托福口语考试预测Task 2的第一个备选依旧是大城市小农村的问题,同样的问题怎么样能回答得更有个性呢?

题目:Some people prefer their children to grow up in a small town while others prefer their children to grow up in a big city. Which do you prefer? Please include reasons and examples to support your choices.

托福口语范文:I prefer my children to live in big cities. Firstly, big cities possess relatively complex social situations, by which my children can acquire living and competing skills. I don’t think I would protect my children from the truth of life, and big cities are the best school for learning to grow up. While in a small town,  less social conflicts may provide a short-term serenity for a while, but from a long-term perspective, such living  surrounding prevents my children from being a modern being. Some people may argue that small towns get better natural environment, but I believe, decades later, when my children come to the world, big cities also can enjoy clean and clear atmosphere.


7月16日托福口语考试预测Task 2的第二个备选Vicky提供了一个个性版本,同学们合理借鉴呀。

题目Do you agree or disagree with the following statement——it’s better to make friends with people who have different interests and why? Please include reasons and examples to support your answer.

托福口语范文:I do not think it is better to make friends with people who share same interest with me. My purpose to make new friends is seeking one who can always bring me surprise which I have never touch before rather than seeking a mirror which is just another image of myself. The world is amazing because of diversity, so is my life. Staying in a group of people who are all more or less similar will bore me to death. Indeed, I am a person with strong mind, which means I don’t need to be surrounded by peers from the same species to protect myself from the pressure of being different.







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