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关键字  雅思 雅思口语  雅思口语话题
2014-01-24 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者:张姗姗 阅读量: 手机阅读


(红色划线部分为新题, 其余为9-12月旧题重现)

People& Animal

1. Describe an intelligent person you know.

2. Describe a person you enjoy talking with

3. Describe a comic actor/ cartoon character who is popular in your country.

4.Describe an interesting wild animal from your country( you like best).

5. Describe a famous person who is important to your country.

6. Describe someone you had a good time with or someone you enjoy spending time with.


1.Describe a place you visited to learn another culture.

2. Describe a park/ garden you visited and liked/ that impressed you

3. Describe a restaurant you like (to go to)/ that impresses you.

4. Describe a tourist attraction in your country that you enjoyed visiting.

5. Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting

6. Describe an old ( or historic ) building that you visited

7. Describe a place (not in your country) that you would like to visit

8. Describe a house or apartment that you have (recently) visited. (not your own home)


1. Describe something special that you save money to buy

2. Describe a book that you enjoyed reading.

3. Describe a present (a gift) you received when you were a child.

4. Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time.

5. Describe a popular product (food, handcraft or car) made in your country (that you would like to buy)

6. Describe a course you learned at school, university or evening class.

7. Describe a good photo someone took for you

8. Describe a subject that you want to give information to others.

9. Describe a film that you disliked

10. Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you say or heard or liked).

11. Describe an important letter that you received.

12. Describe your favorite season or time of the year.Describe your favorite type of weather

13. Describe an item of clothing/ a type of dress that you wear on formal (special) occasions

14. Describe something you did to help learning another language.

15. Describe a work of art you have seen (e.g. a painting or statue/sculpture).

16. Describe a group you would like to take part in/ you have had or joined in (e.g film, club, and sports team).

17. Describe a subject you didn’t enjoy (like) in high or secondary school.

18. Describe a special meal that you would like to have

19. Describe something (an electronic product) that you can’t live without (except phone and computer).

20. Describe a useful website you often visit.

21.Describe your favorite TV program.


1. Describe a type of sport you like to do

2. Describe a time when you forgot something

3. Describe a time when you are very busy

4. Describe a situation (or a time) when you helped someone

5. Describe an event that changed your life in a good / positive way.

6. Describe a positive experience when you were a teenager

7. Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family

8. Describe an occasion you met a friend who you hadn’t seen for a long time.

9. Describe a sport event you have never been to but would like to take part in or   watch.
  Describe a sports event that you watched or took part in.

10.Describe a competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sports competition) that you took part in.

11. Describe a family business you know.

12Describe a time when someone helped you.

13.Describe an occasion when you moved into a new house or school

14.Describe an interesting conversation with someone you didn’t know.

15.Describe an important decision that took you long time to make.Describe a most important decision you have ever made.

16. Describe your future plan




姓    名:张姗姗
所在地点: 郑州市经三路金成国际广场招商银行大厦7层
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT



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  • 雅思
  • 托福
  • SAT
  • ACT
  • GRE
  • GMAT
  • 国际高中备考班
  • A-level
  • AP





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  • 广州
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  • 合肥
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  • 南昌
  • 南京
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