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关键字  雅思口语预测 2017年1月雅思口语 雅思口语高频话题 雅思口语解题思路 雅思口语技巧
2017-01-09 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者:尚慧 阅读量: 手机阅读



1月雅思口语 Part1 高频题卡:
  3.Work or Study(一般必考)

  Going out
  High school
  Watching TV
  Video games
  Musical instruments
  Public transportation
  Indoor activities

  1月14号雅思口语 Part 1答题思路
  浏览完上文的同学可能会发现,Part1问题的问法总共分3种:第一种是问你YES or NO;第二种是问你What,也就是需要你给出一个具体的item;第三种是问Preference,也就是A和B你更倾向哪一个。那针对这三种问法,Summer老师建议大家去这样思考:这道口语题是主观题还是客观题?
  一方面,如果是主观题,比如问:Do you like ...?/what’s your favorite ...?/which one do you prefer,a flat or a house?那大家的答题思路应该是这样的:
  1.Topic sentence(1到2句,表明自己的观点抑或喜好)
  2.Supporting idea(也就是原因,给出1到2点,建议4到5句)
  3.Example(针对原因的1、2点,结合自己的personal experience 给出一实例,建议2句)
  另一方面,如果是客观题,比如问:How often do you paint or draw?/how many people in your family?/where were you born?那大家的答题思路就应该如下:
  1.Topic sentence(1到2句,表明客观事实)
  3.Example(针对原因的1、2点,结合自己的personal experience 给出一实例,建议2句)

  1.People –人物
  Describe an interesting neighbor you have
  You should say:
  Who this person is
  How you got to know this person
  How long you have known each other
  And explain why you think he or she is interesting.

  Describe a leader you admire(沿用旧题)
  You should say:
  Who this person is
  How you know this person
  What skills he or she has for leadership
  And explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
  Describe a character or personality of yours(新题)
  You should say:
  What it is
  How it affects your life
  Where you get it from
  And how it affects your life
  And explain how you feel about it
  Describe a time you saw an wild animal.(旧题)
  You should say:
  Where you learned about this animal.
  Where it looks like
  Where it lives (or where you saw it )
  And explain why you felt about this wild animal.
  Describe a person who once moved to live with you(新题)
  You should say:
  When and where this person moved in
  How you know this person
  How you got alone with this person
  And how you feel about living with this person.
  Describe someone you admire who is much older than you. ( an older people you   admire)(去年沿用旧题)
  You should say
  Who the person is
  How you got to this person
  What kind of person he or she is
  And explain why you admire this person
  Describe a family ( not your own ) that you like.
  You should say:
  Where this family lives
  Who the member of the family are
  How you go to know them
  And explain why you like this family
  Describe a person that you like to spend time with
  You should say:
  Who is this person
  How do you know this person
  What you like to do together
  And explain why you like to spend time with this person
  Describe a creative person that you admire ( for example , inventor or musician )(新题,最近常考)
  You should say:
  Who this person
  How do know this person
  What creative things this person likes to do
  And explain why you admire this person
  2.Object 物品
  Describe an important piece of ( electrical or electronic) equipment that you use at home.
  You should say:
  What it is
  How often you use it
  Who you usually use it with
  And explain why this item is important to you.
  Describe a gift you gave someone recently.
  You should say:
  What the gift was
  Who you gave it to
  Why you chose that gift
  And explain how the person felt about this gift.
  Describe a program or app in your computer or phones(常考新题)
  You should say:
  What the app is
  When, where you found it
  How you use it
  And explain how you feel about
  Describe a photo of yourself that you like(旧题,但出现频率高)
  You should say:
  When and where the photo was taken
  Who took the photo
  What you were doing when the photo was taken
  And explain why you think it is a good photo.
  Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time(旧题)
  You should say:
  What it is
  How ( or when) your family first got this thing
  How long your family has kept it
  And explain why this thing is important to your family
  Describe a product you bought that made you happy
  You should say :
  What it was
  When and where you bought it
  Why you bought it
  And explain why it made you happy
  Describe something You ate for the first time(新题)
  You should say:
  When you had it
  Where you ate it
  What it was
  And explain how you felt about it .
  Describe something that you shared with other people , such as public transport , accommodation and food.
  You should say:
  What it was
  Who you shared it with
  Why you shared it with others
  And explain how you felt about sharing.

  Describe an area of science you studied that you are interested in , such as medicine , physics or mathematics.(较难新题)
  You should say:
  What branch of science it is
  When you studied it
  How you studied it
  And explain why you are interested in it.
  3.Place 地点
  Describe your favorite part in your city ( town)
  You should say:
  What it is called
  Where it is
  When you like to visit
  And explain why it is your favorite
  Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike
  You should say:
  Where this building is
  What it looks like
  What it is used for
  And explain why you like or dislike it .
  Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city
  You should say:
  Where it is
  How often you go there
  What people do there
  And explain why you think it is important.
  Describe a park or garden you visited and liked
  You should say:
  Where it was
  What it looked like
  What you did there
  And explain why you liked it there.
  Describe a place where you go to relax.
  You should say:
  Where it is
  What you usually do there
  How often you go there
  And explain why it relaxes you.
  Describe a foreign country you would like to work for a short period of time.
  You should say:
  Where it would be
  How you got to know about it
  What you would like to do there
  And explain why you would like to work in this country.
  Describe a small business you would like to have.
  You should say:
  What it would be
  What you need to prepare for it.
  Where you would have this business
  And explain why you would like do this business.
  4.Event 事件
  Describe something you enjoy doing after work or study
  You should say:
  What it is
  Who you usually do it with
  How long you usually spend doing this activity.
  And explain what you get from doing this activity.
  Describe a time that something made you laugh.
  You should say:
  What made you laugh.
  Where you were when it happened
  Who you were with
  And explain why it made you laugh.
  Describe a time you needed to used you imagination.(较难新题,最近两周考到学生较多)
  You should say:
  What the situation was
  Why you needed to use imagination.
  What the difficulties were
  And explain how you felt about it.
  Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike or bike.
  You should say:
  Where you would like to go
  How you would like to go there
  Who you would like to go with
  And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.
  Describe a time you missed an appointment.(旧题迁移)
  You should say:
  When and where it happened
  What the appointment was for.
  What happened when you missed it.
  And explain how you felt about missing the appointment
  Describe a time when you were very busy.(新题,出现几率较大)
  You should say:
  When it was
  What you had to during that time.
  How you managed it.
  And explain how you felt about being busy.
  Describe a special meal that you would like to have.
  You should say:
  Where you would like to have it.
  Who you would like to have it with.
  What you would like to eat.
  And explain how you would feel about the meal.

Describe sth. You did with a group of people
  You should say:
  What the activity was
  When and where you did it
  Who you were with
  And explain how you felt about being part of this group.
  Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child(旧题重现)
  You should say:
  What this skill was
  When you learned it
  How you learnt it
  And explain why you think it was important.
  Describe an occasion you got up extremely early
  You should say:
  When this happened
  What you needed to do that day
  Who you were with
  And explain how you felt about getting up early that day.
  Describe a piece of good news that you received
  You should say:
  What this news was
  When and where you heard it
  How you heard it
  And explain why you think it was good news
  Describe a situation that you got a little angry
  You should say:
  Where it happened
  When it happened
  Who you were with
  And why you felt angry
  Describe a mistake that you once made(最近考得较多)
  You should say:
  What the mistake was
  When, where you made it
  Who was with you
  And how the mistake affected you.
  Describe a happy family event when you were a child
  You should say:
  What the event was
  What and where it happened
  Who was with you
  And explain why feel it was happy
  Describe a short trip that you disliked
  You should say:
  Where you went
  Who you went with
  What you did
  And explain why you disliked this journey /trip
  Describe a wedding you have been to
  You should say :
  Where it was
  Who you went with
  What you saw
  And explain how you felt the wedding


1:Basic information:快速找到几点当中的次要点,比如例题中重点是去描述一个有名的的人,因此第一点who this person is跟第二点how you know this person就成为了背景概括和次要信息,要求大家在40秒以内描述完成)
  2.Emphasis:即为重点强调部分,因此第三点 why this person is famous 以及最后一点why you would like to meet this person 就成为了重点。记住,一般题目的重点都在What 和why问句上。要求像Part 1一样分点去解释原因并且描述实例,要求1分10秒左右描述完成)
  3:Conclusion:任何话题,一个好的结尾会让口语尤其加分,例如该例题,我们就可以说:this person let me know what a famous person should be like :Always follow your heart and be yourself, cuz anyone else is already taken,and people prefer the original.

Ok right then, well the person I’d like to talk about is Warren Buffett, who I’m sure you know. And uh, I guess he’s quite a popular choice, so if you’ve heard this from other candidates as well, then I do apologize, but he really is someone that I’d love to meet one day, not that I think it’s gonna happen or anything! But it would be good! It would be nice!
And uh, as for how I first got to know about him, well I guess, I’ve known of him for about the last 10 years or so. I heard about him from the TV, cos he crops up in the news quite a lot. So that’s probably how I first heard about him.

Anyway, going on to why he’s famous, well as I’m sure you know, he’s one of the world’s most successful investors, if not the most successful. Cos he’s made so much money from investing in various companies. You know, he seems to have a knack for choosing the right shares and finding companies which are gonna prosper.

And this kind of partly explains why I’d like to meet him. You know, I’d love to pick his brains, because I think there’s a tremendous amount I could learn from him, and not just in terms of, you know, how to pick good shares and stuff, but um, also in terms of how to uh… how can I put it…..how to kind of manage yourself in everything you do. For example, I mean, although he’s, like, super rich, he doesn’t go around flaunting his wealth. And he comes across as a really down-to-earth person, if you know what I mean. He’s just seems to treat everyone with the utmost respect. And it’s this um….what’s the word….um… I guess could say humility he shows that’s probably the number one quality I think I can learn from him.
So yeah, that’s pretty much it. Thanks for listening!

  Part3的地位在雅思口语考试当中已经越来越重要了,考官可以通过part3了解考生的真实英语口语水平,以及即兴回答较深刻社会问题的思维能力和临考应变能力(因为part1 的问题较简单,而part2环节,考官也清楚地知道很多中国考生在口语考试前都会背诵大段的范文),下面Summer老师就来讲讲part3的答题思路。

  Part 3和part 1一样都是问答题,但是part3要求考生能够对一个问题进行分析和拓展,因此每道题的回答时长应该不少于40秒。


  Do people in your country prefer to live in cities or in rural environments?

Well, actually in China, it really depends on which stage that you are at in your life.
If you are still young and full of ambitions, then you may choose to live in urban areas where great opportunities can be offered.

However, if you are in your 60s or even older, you are probably more willing to live in the countryside ,because you want to spend your remaining years in comfort , in that case rural
places will be your best choice especially in China.




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