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关键字  10月13日雅思口语预测,10月13日雅思预测,雅思名师预测,雅思口语,雅思考试
2016-10-12 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者:尚慧 阅读量: 手机阅读



10月雅思口语 Part1 高频题卡:
  3.Work or Study(一般必考)

  Family (New)
  1. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?
  2. Who do you think is the most important member in your family?
  3. Who do you like to go shopping with?
  4. Who would you like to have dinner with when you have free time?

  1. How old were you when you started school?
  2. How did you get to school each day?
  3. Are you still in contact with any of the friends you had in primary school?
  4. What were some of the most popular activities in primary school?
  5. Have you ever returned to see your old school again?

  Teachers (New)(最近考得较多)
  1. Do you like any teacher of yours?
  2. Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?
  3. Do you think it’s important to like your teachers?
  4. Do you want to be a teacher?
  5. What qualities should a good teacher have?
  6. Do you have a favorite teacher?
  7. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
  8. What kinds of teachers do you like?
  9. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?
  10. Do you like strict teachers?
  11. What's the different between young and old teachers?
  12. Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently?
  13. What’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates?

  Art (New)
  1. Do you like art?
  2. How do you feel about it?
  3. What benefits does (participating in) art bring to people?
  4. How important do you think art is in the lives of people?
  5. Why do you think people like to have a painting (or other artwork) in their homes?
  6. Have you ever been to an art gallery before?

  Bags (New)
  1. What types of bags do you use?
  2. What do you put in these bags?
  3. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?
  4. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?
  5. When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?
  6. How do you make your choice when you are buying a bag?
  7. Do you think the style of a bag is very important?
  8. Do you have a bag for special occasion?

  Chocolate (New)
  1. How often do you eat chocolate?
  2. Did you like chocolate when you are young?
  3. Why do you like chocolate?
  4. Why do you think chocolate is so popular all over the world?

  Books (New)(最近考得较多)
  1. How often do you read?
  2. Do you have any books at home?
  3. Do Chinese people do enough reading?
  4. Do Chinese people like to read?
  5. What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't like reading very much?

  1. Do you like flowers? Why?
  2. What flowers do you like? Why?
  3. Which is your favorite flower?
  4. Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)
  5. On what occasions are flowers important?
  6. In your country, do people ever give flowers as a gift?
  7.Where do you usually buy flowers?
  8.Have you ever sent any flowers to someone else?
  9.Do you have any custom about sending flowers on some special occasions?
  10.Do people in your country like growing flowers?

  1. Do you often play games?
  2. What games are popular in China?
  3. Do different age groups of people like to play different games?
  4. How have computers influenced the games people play?
  5. What’s the difference between boys and girls in terms of playing games?
  6. What’s the difference between adults and kids in terms of playing games?
  7. What’s the difference between games played in the past and now?
  8. What age do you think is the best time to play?

  1. How often do you buy other gifts?
  2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?
  3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
  4. Why do people send gifts?
  5. Do you think it is important to send gifts?
  6. When did you get a gift last time?
  7. Do you send gifts to others during their birthday time?

  1. Do you like to wear hats?
  2. What kinds of hats do you have?
  3. Where do you like to buy hats?
  4. Is wearing hats popular in your country?
  5. On what occasions do you wear hats?
  6. When should people wear hats?

  1. Do you like painting or drawing?
  2. How often do you visit art galleries?
  3. What kinds of things do you like to draw?
  4. Is it easy to learn how to draw?
  5. Have you ever learned painting in your childhood?
  6. Do you like art show/display/exhibition?
  7. Have you ever been to art museum?
  8. Do you think a person can teach him or herself how to draw?
  9. Do you think young children should learn to paint at school?
  10. Why do you think some people buy wall paintings?

  Photography (New)
  1. Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)
  2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?)
  3. How (why) did you become interested in photography?
  4. How often do you take photographs?
  5. In what situations do you take photographs?
  6. What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?)
  7. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?
  8. How do you keep your photos?
  9. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? & why?)
  10. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)

  1. Do you often like to sing?
  2. When do you like to sing? How much time do you spend on singing everyday?
  3. What kinds of music do you like to sing?
  4. Is it difficult to sing well?
  5. Do you want to be a singer?
  6. Who is your favorite singer?
  7. Is singing popular in your country?
  8. What makes a singer popular all over the world?
  9. Why do many people what to be famous through singing?

  Activity Near Water (New)
  1. What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?
  2. Why do some people like water sports?
  3. Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?
  4. Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of the world?
  5. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling on the oceans?
  6. Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?
  7. Do you think it’s best for a child to be taught how to swim by a parent or by someone else?

  Outdoor Activities(最近考得较多)
  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. Do you like outdoor activities?
  3. How much time do you spend outdoors every week?
  4. How often do you do outdoor activities?
  5. What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?
  6. What do you usually do in your leisure time?
  7. How can people make full use of leisure time?
  8. Do you have enough leisure time?
  9. What is the most popular thing for people in your country enjoy doing to relax in leisure time?

  1. Do you like to walk?
  2. Do you like to walk on your own or with others?
  3. Would you say that your city is a good place for walking?
  4.When and where do you usually walk?
  5.Who do you walk with?
  6.Do you think walking helps with health?
  7.Do you often do outdoor games in your childhood?

  1. Are there many advertisements in your country?
  2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
  3. What are the various places where we see advertisements?
  4. How do you feel about advertisement?
  5. Do you often see some advertisements in the place where you live?
  6. How do you like advertisements on TV?
  7. Do they encourage/persuade you to buy some related products?
  8. How do you like advertisements on the Internet?
  9. What do you think about the developing in advertising in China today?

  1. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?
  2. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
  3. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?
  4. Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?
  5. How do Chinese people celebrate their birthdays?
  6. How do people celebrate children’s birthdays today?
  7. How important are birthdays in your country?
  8. What do children get for their birthdays in your country?
  9. Do you like to celebrate your birthday with your parents or with your friends?
  10. What’s the most important birthday for people in your country?
  11. Do people in your country prefer to celebrate birthdays according to the lunar or the solar calendar?
  12. Which one do you think is more important, the birthdays of a child or those of an adult?

  Colors (New)
  1. What colors do you like?
  2. What’s the most popular color in China?
  3. Do you like to wear clothes in bright colors?
  4. What’s the different between men and women’s preference on colors?
  5. Do colors affect your mood?

  Communicate (New)
  1. Are you good at communicating with others?
  2. How do you usually communicate with your friends?
  3. How often do you communicate with your parents?
  4. Do you think there is any difference between communicating with friends and parents?(Letters or emails)
  5. Do you write many letters or emails?
  6. Who do you usually write to?
  7. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?
  8. How often do you write an email or a letter?
  9. What are the differences between emails and letters?
  10. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?(Mobile phone)Which one do you prefer, emails or letters?
  11. Do you prefer calling people or texting me
  12. Have you ever got difficulties replying texts?
  13. Will you text people back?
  14. When can’t people answer your phone?

  Emails and Letters (New)(最近考得较多)
  1. Do you write many letters or emails?
  2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?
  3. Which do you more often write, emails or letters?
  4. How often do you write an email or a letter?
  5. What are the differences between emails and letters?
  6. What do you usually write about?
  7. Who do you usually write to?
  8. Is it hard to think of what to write?
  9. What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is (are) the hardest to write?
  10.How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?
  11.What kinds of emails (or letters) do you receive that make you feel happy?
  12.Do you think people will still write letters in the future?

  Handcraft (New)
  1. Have you learnt any skill from school to make something by hand?
  2. Do you think it is important for children to learn those skills?
  3. Is there anything you want to make by hand in the future?
  4. Do you like collecting things made by hand?
  5. Are handcrafts popular in China?
  6. Do you think making handcrafts are meaningful activities?

  Handwriting (New)
  1. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer (typewriter or word-processor)?
  2. Nowadays, how do most people write things?
  3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
  4. When do children begin to write in your country?
  5. How did you learn to write?
  6. Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?
  7. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?
  8. What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people?

  1. Do you like history class?
  2. When was the last time you read history books?
  3. What are the differences between learning history from books and from watching films?
  4. Do you like films adapted from real history?
  5. Do you think museums are important?
  6. Do you think it is suitable for museums to sell things to visitor?
  7. Do you like (to learn about) history?
  8. What historical event do you find most interesting?
  9. Do you think history is important?
  10. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?
  11. Do you think you (= one) can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs?
  12. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?
  13. Can you name a person from history whom you would like to learn more about?
  14. Why would you like to learn more about him/her?

  Newspaper (New)
  1. Do you often read newspapers?
  2. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?
  3. What kinds of newspaper do you usually read?
  4. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?
  5. Do you think it is important to read newspapers?
  6. Why do you think people read newspapers?
  7. What different types of newspapers are there in China?
  8. Is the news important to you?
  9. Do you prefer to read about domestic news or international news?
  10. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?
  11. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?
  12. Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?
  13. Do you think magazines and newspaper will exist 50 years from now?

  1. Do you mind noise?
  2. What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?
  3. Are there any sounds that you like?
  4. Where can you hear loud noise?
  5. Do you think there is too much noise in modern society?
  6. Are cities becoming noisier?
  7. What do you feel about noise when you are working or studying?

  1. Do you like science?
  2. Are there many science museums in your hometown?
  3. Did you like science classes when you were young?
  4. Do you think schoolchildren should both art classes and science classes?
  5. Do you think science is important to our society?

  Sunny days
  1. Do you like sunny days?
  2. What do you like to do when it is a sunny day?
  3. Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great?
  4. Are there many sunny days in your hometown?
  5. What is your favorite weather? And what do you usually do?
  6. Do you like sunny days?
  7. Does your mood change with weather?
  8. What weather do you dislike?
  9. Do you watch weather forecast?
  10. Do you think it is accurate?

  Teamwork (New)
  1. When was the last time you worked with a team?
  2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?
  3. What’s the most important thing for teamwork?
  4. Do you like to be a leader?

  Transport (New)(最近出现几率很高)
  1. How did you come here today?
  2. Do you like to take public transport?
  3. Have you ever travelled by bus or by taxi?
  4. Do you prefer taking bus or taxi?
  5. Do you often travel by bus or taxi?
  6. Do you think public transport system could be further improved?
  7. What is the most popular means of transport in your country?
  8. How often do you take buses?
  9. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?
  10. Is driving to work popular in your country?
  11. Do you think people will travel more in the future?
  12. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?
  13. What will become the most popular means of transport in China?
  14. Do you prefer private or public transport?

  Visitors (New)
  1. Do you like visitors coming to your hometown?
  2. Do you like to visit other people?
  3. Do you often visit other people?
  4. Do you often invite friends to visit your home?
  5. When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality (or, entertain them)?
  6. When people are coming to visit you, what preparations will you do?
  7. What do you usually do together with your visitors?
  8. When do you visitors come to your home?
  9. On what occasions do you visit other people?
  10. Do you invite guests to your home during these festivals?

  Weather & seasons
  1. What kind of weather do you like?
  2. Does it rain much in your country or hometown?
  3. What do you do on rainy days and sunny days?
  4. What do you think are the disadvantages of raining?
  5. Does weather affect people’s mood?
  6. Can you give any examples of unusual weather in your hometown?
  7. Do you like extremely hot or cold weather?
  8. What do you think are the differences between the weather in the present and that in the past?
  9. What is the climate like in your hometown?
  10. How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities?
  11. Which of the four seasons do you like best?
  12. What are the differences between the seasons in China?
  13. Do you like the changes of the four seasons?
  14. Would you prefer to live in a place with one warm season all year round or a place with different seasons?

  1. Who is your favorite celebrity in China?
  2. Do you like any foreign celebrities?
  3. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?
  4. Do you think we should protect famous people's privacy?
  5. How do celebrities influence their fans in China?

10月13号雅思口语 Part 1答题思路
  浏览完上文的同学可能会发现,Part1问题的问法总共分3种:第一种是问你YES or NO;第二种是问你What,也就是需要你给出一个具体的item;第三种是问Preference,也就是A和B你更倾向哪一个。那针对这三种问法,Summer老师建议大家去这样思考:这道口语题是主观题还是客观题?
  一方面,如果是主观题,比如问:Do you like ...?/what’s your favorite ...?/which one do you prefer,a flat or a house?那大家的答题思路应该是这样的:
  1.Topic sentence(1到2句,表明自己的观点抑或喜好)
  2.Supporting idea(也就是原因,给出1到2点,建议4到5句)
  3.Example(针对原因的1、2点,结合自己的personal experience 给出一实例,建议2句)

  另一方面,如果是客观题,比如问:How often do you paint or draw?/how many people in your family?/where were you born?那大家的答题思路就应该如下:
  1.Topic sentence(1到2句,表明客观事实)
  3.Example(针对原因的1、2点,结合自己的personal experience 给出一实例,建议2句)


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