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2016-06-22 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读




1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is important for families to have meals together regularly.



论点:1. 孩子受益匪浅

2. 现代社会很多交流方式取代了面对面的形式,形成人与人之间的鼓励,定期聚餐能够促使家庭成员之间更好地交流。

3. 如今社会中,能对孩子产生负面影响的事物非常多。通过家庭聚餐,父母可以教给孩子健康饮食和节省金钱的重要性。


I agree that it is important for families to eat their meals together regularly. In my view, eating meals together has a great benefit for the whole family but particularly the child. Children need support and guidance from their parents but, since parents work all day and children spend most of the day at school, families spend very little time together. Even in the evenings and on weekends, children are busy with homework and it is common for parents to be busy. Therefore, mealtimes are one of the few opportunities for the family to be together.

In modern society, people are more and more alone. They meet with each other less and rely on emails, mobile phones, and social network platforms to chat to other people. With the one-child policy in China, children do not have brothers and sisters to play with and so will spend their free time alone, for instance surfing the internet or playing computer games. As a result, it is easy for people to become isolated from each other and this has bad consequences for a harmonious society. Eating meals together brings family member together so they can chat face-to-face and share their experiences and problems. It encourages family members to remember their duty and not to be selfish.
  There are also many negative influences on children nowadays. Advertising encourages children to do unhealthy things, like eating junk food, and to be materialistic. By eating meals together, parents can teach children about the importance of healthy eating and saving money. Parents can notice if their children have any problems, for example with drugs or computer games, and they can prevent the problem becoming more serious. Even if the family does not have children, eating meals together can stop the husband and wife growing apart, which might lead to divorce. For these reasons, families should remember the importance of regularly eating together.

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order for a business to be successful, it must put more money into advertising.




观点:1. 分析广告能够有效提高曝光率。

2. 广告能够在竞争中让自己的产品从竞争中脱颖而出。举例明星广告能够让消费者对产品品质更有概念。

3. 接下来可以提一下让步,即使广告非常有效,但是不能忽略产品本身的质量。


Businesses nowadays spend huge amounts of money on advertising their products. Is this a successful business strategy? I believe that it is.

The most important reason is probably exposure. Most markets are completely saturated with products—just walking down the toiletries aisle of a supermarket, you’ll see countless brands of toothpaste, toothbrush, and shampoo. In the course of walking through the aisle, you will probably notice less than a handful of brands, and of those brands, really only one or two are up for consideration. In order for a new company to catch your eye with their product, advertising is key. A company with a low advertising budget will not be able to create fancy packaging or impressive commercials, and this will negatively impact their ability to generate product awareness. No matter how good a product is, if nobody knows about it, it will not sell. Another function of advertising is to make consumers choose your product over the products of competitors. Regardless of whether it’s a good thing or bad thing, the reality is that most people are easily swayed by advertising techniques like adorning ads with flashy graphics or milking celebrity endorsements. A high advertising budget can help ensure that your commercial has good production values and contains famous celebrities. These things have been demonstrated to dramatically increase the appeal of products. Every time Yao Ming or Beyonce pops up on TV with a can of Coke in their hand, they reinforce in our heads the idea that Coke is a high-quality and desirable product. It guarantees that the next time you walk through the soda aisle, you will reach for the Coke instead of the generic brand soda.

Of course, no amount of money spent on advertisement can save a product that is ultimately flawed. In order for advertising to work long-term, a product has to be at least acceptable in terms of quality. However, when choosing between comparable products, advertising is often key in nudging your preferences one way or the other. Most people like the taste of Coke, but seeing Yao Ming’s face on the can might make people like it just enough to choose Coke over Pepsi. Thus, for companies with similar products in a packed market, spending a lot on advertising is crucial to achieving success.

Advertising serves two important functions: First, it exposes people to your product, and second, it tells people to choose your product over competing ones. Though doing these things may not make an inferior product successful, for most acceptable products, large advertising budgets are an absolute necessity.


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