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2016年4月9日托福考情真题解析—— Writing

关键字  托福考情真题解析 2016年4月考情真题
2016-05-12 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读


2016年4月9日托福考情真题解析—— Writing,新通外语深圳分站提供。

 Writing  新通外语深圳分校    黄美燕

Task 1


预防gopher tortoise灭绝的方法

1) 种long leaf pine trees,给他们提供更多的食物

2) breed gopher tortoise in the research station,等到他们长大了在将他们release to the wild habitat

3) 重新在他们消失的地区引入gopher tortoise



1) 这个habitat经常有fire,会clear out the trees和grass,然后tortoise就没有enough grass to eat

2) 这种tortoise会有disease,如果在研究站把这种disease treated,当在把他们release to the wild时,可能就不能treat这种disease,而且他们会影响其他的tortoise

3) gopher tortoise有一种叫做homing什么的特性,所以一旦他们被安放在那里,他们还是会migrate to a new location,这样对他们更不利,因为busy road,所以migrate路途中many were killed

Sample answer

The reading and listening discuss about strategies to stop the vanishing of gopher tortoises. The reading passage mentions three ways to stop the disappearing of gopher tortoises. However, the professor totally refutes the three points presented in the passage.

Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading's idea that by preserving habitats of palm forests, gopher tortoises can have more food supplies. The professor claims that fires frequently happen in their habitats, thus causing a lot of trees and grass cleaned out. As a result, the tortoises do not have enough grass to eat.

Secondly, the professor contradicts reading's second method of raising the gopher tortoises in research center and then releasing them. The professor mentions that this way can bring terrible consequences. The gopher tortoises might suffer certain disease that can only be treated in the research center, and also cause negative effect to wild tortoises.

At last, the passage states that people can protect them by migrating gopher tortoises to areas suitable but without other tortoises. However, the professor explains that tortoises have homing instinct that leads them to return to original habitats. In other cases, gopher tortoises will return if they cannot get the places chosen for them. In their way back, they may come across dangers like busy roads and even be killed.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice from people who are older than you is more valuable than from people of your age.

Sample answer

It is inevitable for any individual, whether young or old, to encounter various problems and troubles throughout the whole life. At present, many young people hold that advice from their peers is usually more valuable than that from people of older age, because people at the same age are more likely to understand their situation. However, as far as I am concerned, it is a wise move to listen to the older people’s suggestions, because rich experience and profound knowledge accumulated by older people will offer us a proper guidance in many ways.

To begin with, in the aspects of receiving education, suggestions from older people are of greater benefit. It is true that students are constantly faced with various upcoming problems and puzzles in the course of furthering their study. As for high school students, the would-be undergraduates, how to successful apply for an ideal university and choose a promising major usually matters a lot. In order to unravel the above puzzles, they had better consult those people of older age who will give advices such as passing TOEFL with top score and participating various extracurricular activities. In fact, the above experience is exclusive to those who have undergone the whole process of applying for university. Also, as newcomers entering college or universities, the freshmen are usually confronted with various troubles while embarking on the brand new campus life. To be specific, some students from disadvantaged families may be concerned about how to gain scholarship from school. The sophomores and junior students are likely to provide practical instructions instead of their classmates.

Furthermore, the same logic can apply to job-hunting. After leaving schools, graduates will enter the highly competitive job market. Due to the lack of knowledge of the real working environment, they are in great need of instructions and suggestions from senior employees. To be specific, senior employees can hold an interview training, in which students will be informed of how to dress up, how to write a resume and how to respond to the questions from interviewers. Also, the skills of communicating efficiently with the employers and the ability to get along well with co-workers will be imparted to potential employees. On the contrary, people at the same age with us are also still feeling confused about how to seek an ideal job, thus reducing the value of the suggestion given by them.

Admittedly, the generation gap between us and people of older age may pose an obstruction to communication between them. However, the above claim is far from the truth. With the improvement of educational background on the part of the elder, they are able to guide youngsters in a more acceptable way and thus the gap between the younger and the older can be well bridged.

In conclusion, the advice from the elder is of greater value than that from the peers, especially when we meet problems in education and career.



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