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2015-12-07 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读


2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目大曝光。新通外语老师为考生们准备了12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 1-6,希望对学生们有所帮助。托福考试更多预测题目可拨打免费电话获取400-618-0272。

2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目大曝光。托福考试又要开始啦,你真的准备好了么?老师为考生们准备了12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 1-6,希望对学生们有所帮助。

2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 1: 【在线咨询托福考试预测题目

Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby to him to help him spend his weekend in a more delightful way. Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.


Personally, I would tell my friend to do yoga on weekends because it’ s not only a good exercise for our body but also an opportunity for us to meditate and calm down.
For example,I work 80 hours per week and for most of the time during the week, I feel irritable and tired. However, I do yoga every weekend to balance my body and mind. Whenever I do yoga, my mind stops completely and is only focused on my breathing pattern, which is very soothing.
In addition, as I stretch my body and sweat, I can feel refreshed and energetic again. It’s a good escape from the hectic week so I’d recommend my friend to do the same.

2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 2:【在线咨询托福考试预测题目

Would you prefer to have a roommate from your own country or a roommate from other countries? Explain why.Please include details and examples in your explanation.


Personally speaking, I would like to have a roommate who’ s not from my country because it’ s a great opportunity to understand foreign cultures and have new life experiences.
For example,a few years ago I took a summer program at a university in Japan and lived on campus for three months. My roommate was an Indian girl. At first, I couldn’t quite understand her Indian accent but after a few days, I became very fluent with it.
She taught me how to make Indian food and we exchanged a lot of different ideas and values from our own countries. I learned a lot about India through her and it was a very rewarding experience. Therefore, I prefer a foreign roommate.


2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 3:

阅读:学生写建议信给学校,标题:No laptop in class,建议 school should not allow laptop in the class. (1) distracts other people’s minds,而且好多人不是用来作笔记,而是在玩; (2 ) notes can be written down with pens and papers

听力:学生 disagree。(1)因为计算机而不专心,那是那个学生的 problem,我们都是 adults,在大学里不光要学课程,也要学习如何 concentrate,而学生应该有权利 to choose 是不是要听讲,只要在课上 do not disturb others; (2) It is not fair. Some students, like me, typing is faster than writing.如果不让用计算机了,笔记就记得没有以前那么全了。


A student has written a letter proposing that the university should forbid laptops in class and the student in the conversation disagrees with this proposal.
First, according to the student in the letter, a lot of students are doing something else on their laptops rather than taking notes of the lecture, which is a distraction for other students who are trying to concentrate in class.
The student in the conversation, on the other hand, argues that it’s a personal choice whether a student concentrates in class since everyone here is an adult. As long as they are not disturbing other students, they have the right to do whatever they ant on their laptops.
In addition,the student in the letter believes that lecture notes can be jotted down with just papers and pens,which means bringing a laptop to class in unnecessary.
However, the student in the conversation finds this proposal unfair because like himself, a lot of students type faster than they write. Therefore, the student in the conversation opposes the proposal.


2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 4:【在线咨询托福考试预测题目

阅读:rebound effect,新型能源表面上让大家用自然资源用的少了,实际上没有少很多,因为觉得燃料便宜了,所以用的更多。

听力:教授举例,一项新技术应用在oil上,使同样的油能跑更长。按理说,应该能节省不少 oil,但后果是的确减少了用量,但并没有如想象中省掉很多。因为人们知道了同样的fuel能持续时间更长,所以人们开车反而比原来更多了,导致使用新型燃料并不减少燃料。


The term―rebound effect refers to the economic phenomenon that the introduction of new technologies which improves the efficiency of resource use actually increases the demand for more resources.
The professor in the lecture uses the example of a more fuel-efficient car to explain how people’s behavioral responses to energy-saving technologies create more demand for energy.
A more fuel-efficient car makes each mile travelled cheaper because with the same amount of fuel, the driver is able travel farther than before, which is supposed to reduce people’s demand for oil. However,given better gas mileage, people tend to drive more frequently or drive longer distances.
From the consumer’s perspective, the new energy-saving technology is something that allows them to drive more with the same cost of oil instead of something that saves them money when they maintain the same amount of use.
As a result, oil consumption in general increases rather than decreases.


2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 5:

学生本来暑假要去城里的杂志出版社作记者工作,房子和同学合租好,已经找好了。结果工作被取消了。现在面临两种选择(1)回家和家人过暑假,不过要先给同学找好另外一个分房租的合租人,但是 他担心朋友和new guy相处不好。 (2)留在城市里面,虽然不能做梦想中的杂志出版社工作了,就找个别的工作(有几个例子),不过要付房租的话,就要多工作一些时间。



The man in the conversation just lost his summer internship and he has to take care of an apartment that he has already leased with his friend. He can either go back to his parents’ for the summer and sublet his apartment to someone else or stay in town and find another summer internship.
In my opinion, it is better for the man to find another job for the summer break in town. First, if he goes back to his parents’ for the summer and sublets his apartment to someone else, his friend might be upset because the new tenant could have terrible living habits, which was not what his friend agreed to in the first place. His relationship with his friend would be jeopardized in this case.
On the other hand, if he chooses to stay in town and find another less ideal internship for the summer, he will not only be able to accumulate some work experience but also maintain his friendship with his roommate. For these reasons, I think the man should go with the second solution.

2015年12月12日托福口语预测题目Task 6:【在线咨询托福考试预测题目

讲一种工资支付方式,就是我们所说的员工计件回扣(base on how much work you finished)。
说了这种支付方式的两个坏处:(1)有时候不能正确的支付员工奖励。例子,电子产品商店,顾客来了,员工A给讲了很多,回答了很多问题,顾客走了,第二天回来,直接和员工B买东西,于是奖励算给员工B,就不公平了。(2) 一个成功的销售人(老员工)不愿意分享他的销售技术给新员工,因为他想成为销售中的最好的人,拿最高薪水,最后商店没有更赚钱。


In the lecture, the professor talks about two disadvantages under the incentive payment system, which rewards employees based on their performance, including unfair rewards for employees and less profitability for the company.
In the professor’s first example,a potential customer came in to an electronics store and shopped around. One of the salesmen tried very hard to sell to this customer and answered lots of questions. The customer didn't buy anything on the first day but came back to the store the next day and purchased the product from another salesman. In this case,the incentive pay will go to the second salesman but in fact it was the first salesman who did most of the selling.
In the second example, an experienced, successful salesman at another company wasn’t willing to share his selling skills to other less experienced employees because he wanted to keep all the bonuses to himself.
As a result,the company couldn’t profit in the long run.







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