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2015-11-03 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者:新通教育 阅读量: 手机阅读



    Whether the public transportation should be free of charge or not?
  I think all public transport should be free and paid for by the government. The reasons are as follow.
Good for the ecosystem. It would save the planet from global warming and in turn would save money because more people would be using the same car saving millions. It costs almost $10 for a one way trip across town and for many people this could pay for dinner. On top of this it would reduce congestion on the road. More public transport would reduce global warming by taking cars off our roads.
Free public transport would reduce the number of cars on the road. Global warming is a serious issue and, if public transport was free, more people would use it, taking cars off the road. 1 train could take 2000 cars off the road. A public transport system with 20 trains could take 40,000 cars off the road. Some people would simply choose to not own cars, further reducing the number of cars on the road. Across dozens of cities in a nation and thousands world-wide, the result of free public transport would be dramatic in cutting vehicle emissions and combating global warming.
  Making public transport free will Increase the employment rate. We would need more public transport workers. With increased and better public transport, we would need more bus and train drivers, creating jobs. This is great with the global financial crisis. And it work make it easier for people to get to their job - they could just get on a bus. Reduce congestion on roads Provided the government runs a reliable and efficient service where they can meet demand for the free public transport I think that it would be a good idea.
  If people switched from cars to bus or train it would reduce congestion on roads, lots of new road projects wouldn't have to go ahead (which can take up land) and pollution levels, such as noise and atmospheric pollution would be reduced.As for jobs, jobs will be created to run the increased services and jobs will be destroyed as less people buy cars and some road construction jobs may be lost.
  I m writing this to tell you how much I strongly agree that public transportation should be free. People with a disability mostly because they may not be able to drive a car and the freedom they may get from being in that passenger seat is truly amazing. They probably feel bad about their disability already, and forcing them to pay just for a ride is cruelty and shouldn't be accepted.

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