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关键字  9月13日托福口语预测 9月13日托福口语机经 托福口语预测
2015-09-07 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者:卓婷婷 阅读量: 手机阅读



托福口语预测Task 1:

Which of the following would you prefer as a volunteer in the community - assisting visitors with locating books using computers, reading to young children, or shelving books and magazines? Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your explanation.

Sample answer:

Personally, I’d prefer to read to young children if I were a volunteer in the community because bringing children happiness and inspiring them are the most meaningful things in the world. Take my own experience as an example, when I was in kindergarten, reading time was one of the fondest memories I had because my teachers would tell us the stories with enthusiasm ;

I always felt relaxed and intrigued listening to stories such as Snow White or Alice in Wonderland. In addition, stories can be inspiring; I remember one of my teachers once told us a story about how honest young George Washington was when he admitted his fault of destroying a cherry tree. The story still inspires me to this day and I hope I can do the same the other kids by reading to them.

托福口语预测Task 2:

When students go to school away from their hometown, some believe keeping in touch with their old friends is more important. Others believe making new friends in the new city is more important. What is your opinion and why?

Sample answer:

Personally, I think staying close to old friends is a better idea. On one hand, they can comfort us when we feel overwhelmed by the new life in college. You know, the transition from high school is drastic enough; it’s nice to have your old friends close by still. That way you can still see them on the weekends, catch up on what everyone is doing, and maintain that closeness.

Furthermore, people from our hometown are more likely to share the same values and roots with us, we feel more relaxed hang out with them and communicate with each other. For instance, when I went to college in a big city, I couldn’t really have any close friends in college because it was hard for them to understand why I felt happy or upset about certain things. However, it’s always easy for my friends back home to understand my pain and joy. Therefore, I think it’s more important to keep in touch with our old friends.

托福口语预测Task 3:

The university is planning to increase the number of students enrolled in their summer school because the length of the summer school will be shortened from six weeks to four weeks so that students can have more vacation time in summer; also, the school will reduce the boarding fees for students enrolled in summer classes.

The man in the conversation likes this idea. Firstly, he was enrolled in the summer school last year but by the time he finished his classes there was only a week left until the fall semester began. He thinks the new policy will give students more time to travel or visit their family during their summer break. In addition, he believes that a lot of students wanted to take summer classes but couldn’t because they couldn’t afford the boarding fees. Now the new policy change will definitely attract more students to enroll in summer courses. For these reasons, the man is in favor of the new policy.

托福口语预测Task 4:

The reading passage is about negative externality, which refers to a phenomenon in which a cost is suffered by a third party as a result of an economic transaction. In the lecture, the professor uses an example of his real life experience to explain how people are often affected by actions which are not their own. When the professor was a child, he and his family lived in a neighborhood with beautiful farms and great views of the nature.

Everyone in the community appreciated the environment. Until one day, the owner of the farms was going to retire and decided to sell his farmland to a company that was going to build factories on the farmland. As the factories were built and manufacturing began, the air was heavily polluted and all the beautiful, natural views were all gone. The life of the people in the neighborhood was negatively affected by this transaction between the farmland owner and the company even though those people were not involved in the transaction.

托福口语预测Task 5:

The man in the conversation has a problem that he damaged the tennis racket borrowed from the gym because he threw the racket on the ground and was told to pay sixty dollars in compensation. He can either pay the sixty dollars or bring the brand new racket at home to school as a replacement by this weekend. In my opinion, it is better to pay the sixty dollars straight away to the gym.

First, it takes him four hours to drive back home. The time and gas alone will probably cost more than sixty dollars in this case and he won’t even be able to watch his favorite football game, which makes it an unreasonable option for him.

Second,if he pays the sixty dollars,he will be able to watch the football game he loves and save some time driving home. With more time freed up, he can work on his assignments or exams before the game begins, which will benefit his academic performance. For these reasons, I think the man should go with the first option.


托福口语预测Task 6:

In the lecture, the professor talks about how animals navigate themselves during their migration, including both behavioral and physiological adaptations. In the professor’s first example, ducks have to fly south for the winter every year in order to escape the frigid temperature and food scarcity in the north.

In order to navigate themselves through the long journey, they have developed the ability to watch the stars in the sky and read them like a road map. They’re able to orient themselves based on the position of the stars. In the second example, salmon have been observed to migrate from the ocean to their birthplace, which is a freshwater spawning habitat in a stream or river.

Most salmon are able to return to their natal stream after living in the ocean for years because the odor of their natal stream is imprinted in them and they trace back to their birthplace using their memory of the odor.



新通外语 托福

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