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关键字  1月31日/2月1日 托福写作 预测
2015-01-26 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读




110709 CN

Reading:The article introduced a kind of plant which called GM (Gene Modification) crop. It has three major benefits:

1. It is good for the environment because it has the resist-gene. Using GM crop can reduce the use of pesticide.

2. It can help poor farmers around the world. GM crop can also have good yield in dry season which will profit the farmer.

3. GM plant can add missing nutrients for people in specific area. For example people eat a lot rice lack of Vitamin A, so GM rice which had added Vitamin A in it can help people gain what they missed.

Listening:The lecture totally disagreed in those three aspects:

1. If the resist-gene is got by the wild crop, it will grow out of control which brings more damage to the environment.

2. Those GM crop cannot help farmers economically because they need to buy those GM seeds every year instead of using the seeds they got from the last season. It is more costly.

3. The Vitamin A added in the rice is not enough. The more efficient way to deal with this problem is encouraging those people eating more vegetable like sweet potato.

120217 CN

Reading: Asian carp, in the Greek Lakes, that has too much will damage the local environment. There are three measures to prevent :

1. Build a wall;

2. Use electrical devices;

3. Two-step measure. First, use poison kill all the fish, second, reintroduce the local species.

Listening: disagree

1. Factories near the lake, they use cargos and ships there. It will cost a lot. Ships upload on one side of the wall, and another ship reload at the other side.

2. Small fish still could swim through the device, they grow up and reproduce in lakes.

3. Drastic. No prediction, cannot ensure not pollute the lakes in the future.

121208 CN

Reading: 3 ways to make coal burning more environmentally friendly.

1. Coal burning can be more efficient by using new technology such as high pressure.

2. Coal washing can remove sulfide and other chemicals.

3. Carbon recapture and storage. Recycle CO2 and deposit them in the sea.

Listening: 反对:

1. Population will increase by 13% in next full years but the efficiency can only increase by 10% with the new technology. Demand of energy increase will compensate the saved amount of the increasing efficiency.

2. Coal washing transfer the pollution from the air to the ocean.

3. Carbon recapture will be very expensive and risky. If the carbon leaks out, it will be very dangerous both for the environment and human being.


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130511 CN

Reading: Harappan(一个古代的community) decline 的原因:

1.因为nomadic tribe(游牧)的invade,而且Harappan的painting和其他东西都表明Harappan没有军队。

2.climate change,导致agriculture decline,没有足够的surplus support更多的人口。


Listening: 反对:


2.同时期其他两个community如Egypt和不达米亚也遇到了climate change。但是他们adjust to the environment。他们能够生产出足够的食物来support人口。

3.说Harappan有很sufficient water,而且Harappan在filter water方面很excellent。因此大范围的污染是不可能的。传染病更不能大范围传播。

080809 CN


1. 易于降解;

2. 节能环保;

3. 质量也不会下降。


1. 降解只发生在特定条件下,而且很难meet所有的条件:要暖,至少保持一周,没有heat和moisture的话,要用和traditional plastic一样长的时间才能降解;

2. 为了做biopolymers,要先种玉米等原料,而农业恰恰极为耗能而且污染环境(因为农民用农药等化学物质);

3. 质量上会inferior,比如要储存CD等东西,要durable,而biopolymers在heat和moisture下会降解,显然不行

120121 NA

Reading: 阅读说在Rhone river发现了一个bust,说这个bust就是Caesar,是罗马的一个leader.

1. 那个bust(a kind of sculpture) 是realism地形式表现 然后Caesar的时代也是realism的时代。

2. bust的hair的表现 和真实的Caesar一致 (跟money有关)

3. 因为是在river里发现,以前人们想销毁它,,有新的leader上任,留着它是不respect.

Listening: 反驳阅读论点

1. Realism continues after Caesar died.

2. Only the style of hair matches, other features do not match at all.

3. There were others sculpture also found in that river, and they were right added that bust. And throwing it into river, just aiming to dispose the trash.

091025 CN


1. 学生们可以取巧,在自己的家长或者祖父母那里干活然后作为汇报;

2. 会让学生们以后远离志愿者,因为现在是学校要求,他们为了获得回报采取这么做;

3. 学校的要求是破坏学生的权利,学校没有权利强迫学生们去这样做,非法。

Listening: paragraph里面说的是没有道理的,因为:

1. 学生自己的工作汇报只是检验工作的一部分,我们和学生工作的地方的人联系,专业的机构(authority)还有官方的文件记载(official document of the city )来保证;

2. 学生们喜欢作者愿者,比如那些在医院和帮助过小孩子们的学生觉得他们的经历很好(powerful experience),并激发他们继续做下去(motivate);

3. 学校的要求不是破坏学生权利,如果高中能够要求学生来上数学课,那志愿者作为一门课程为什么就不能够实行呢,学生们在学校上课就要完成学校要求的课程。

130825 CN

Reading: 有个作品一直认为是古董的,后来发现是米开朗基罗forge的

1. 他以前伪造过可能再伪造;

2. 他有个画和这个作品很像;

3. 他为了多赚钱造假。

Listening: 反对:

1. 伪造是很早发生的事情,后来大家都认为他又能力,没必要再伪造了;

2. 相像可能是巧合还是有不少地方不一样的;

3. 造假太冒险了,没必要。

101204 CN

Reading: large animals’ extinction 如mammoth human's overkill lead to extinction:

1. North American 到达这个地方与大型哺乳动物的灭绝是at the same time.

2. 大动物以前没有遇到过predator,他们vulnerable更有利于移民来的人去kill.

3. 只发现有大动物的死的痕迹,没有发现小动物死的痕迹。

Listening: the speaker totally refused the passage she believe that there is no relationship between the extinction of large mammals in the north America and human hunting, instead she thinks that the extinction was caused by other factors such as climate change

1. the same time between the extinction and human establishment does not necessarily mean human hurting results in the extinction of those animal around 11000 years ago was a global phenomenon, they became extinct even in those places where no people lived.

2. No food preservation skills at that time could all human being to keep meat for a long time, thus, people only killed what they could eat, and therefore it is impossible for human to kill all the large mammals to make them extinct. People always move frequently at that time so they did not kill large animals at one place to make them become extinct.

3. Not only large mammals became extinct at that time, small animals such as some kinds of birds also became extinct at the time.

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130810 NA

Reading:natural gas开采的应该减少,原因:

1. 不是干净能源,会排放温室气体;

2. 产生污水;

3. 噪音和光影响社区。


1. 确实不是干净能源,但是风能太阳能不能满足现在需要,而且天然气产生的温室气体是煤的一半;

2. 污水不被吸到地面也会渗透地底同样污染水源;

3. 开采管道都会off社区,还有公司会给钱,这些钱可以改善社区环境。

130322 NA

Reading: mercury牙医用来repair牙齿的一种物质。阅读说应该被禁止。

1. 影响健康。里面有种物质吸收后会影响central nerve system带来一系列病。


3. 可以代替的材料。有很多材料可以代替她,像陶瓷,金什么的。

Listening: 反对:

1. 它只有很少的量被人体吸收。不会带来什么大问题。有些人有问题是他们过敏,然后这种过敏的比例很小。

2. 有一种device, S开头的,可以COLLECT这些solids所以不会带来这些问题。

3. 这种材料持续时间长效果好,其他材料不能代替,像金什么的太贵了。

关键词:1月31日/2月1日 托福写作 预测



2015年托福考情分析及考位代报名           五星金牌名师授课免费听



120520 CN

People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.

130713 NA

Which is the most important for you to choose a living space? Living in an area not expansive, living close to relatives, living in an area with many shops and restaurants.

130913 NA

Many high school students are doing a lot of school work already. Some people believe that students should help their parents with household chores, since it’s the best way to give them a sense of responsibility.

120728 CN

Some jobs can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family and friends. Some jobs pay few salaries but allow employees staying with family and friend. Which job do you prefer? Why?

140111 NA

Some people think that athletes and entertainers should become politicians, while other people think that athletes and entertainers should not be involved in politics. Which do you prefer and why?

120923 CN

Which is more important in one's career life? The working knowledge and skills or the ability to adapt to new conditions.

130927 NA

Some people argue using a cleaner energy to protect the environment, but some people say the traditional energy sources such as coal and oil is less expensive, what is your suggestion?

140125 NA

Do you agree or disagree that parents should make suggestion to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right?

130622 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is just as important for older people to study and learn new things as it is for younger people too.

110108 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The food we ate in the past was healthier than the food we eat today.

121116 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should support artists rather than allow them to support themselves.

100710 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Professional athletes who receive high salaries, such as football and basketball players, deserve what they get.

121207 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching was a harder job in the past than it is today.

121202 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on young people.

110827 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually not a good strategy; we should take action now rather than later.

100227 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should play sports only for fun, so they should not attend competitions.

120525 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is no reason to be impolite (rude) to another person. Use specific examples and reasons to sport your statement.

140525 CN

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.

130928 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.

130622 NA

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is just as important for older people to study and learn new things as it is for younger people too.

140117 NA

Do you think classmates or colleagues should work on projects in person or by emails? Why?

关键词:1月31日/2月1日 托福写作 预测



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