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关键字  托福独立口语 托福机经 托福口语 2015年1月25日托福机经
2015-01-22 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读




托福机经1. Which of the following activities would you do with friends rather than alone?Taking a walk,watching a movie or traveling?

托福独立口语参考答案:I would say I like to travel with my friends. Since lots of cities in my home country China are very unique and distinctive, I would choose to travel to other cities. Just taking a walk or going to movie with friends are just too boring, and they are not special enough for us to remember when we look back the day we spend together. By travelling to other cities together, we got a chance to talk to locals and get to know their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them we can broaden out horizon and have new perspective on things. These experience will benefit us enormously in their future life, we can also connect more with each other while travelling

托福机经2. Talk about what you like to do during spare time. Give specific reasons and details in your explanation.

托福独立口语参考答案:I would say I like to do lots of sports in school during my spare time. In our school, we have a very up to standard gym. we have a very nice swimming pool, basketball court, badminton court and other facilities. I like play basketball most. usually I play basketball with my best friends. also I like to read books in our school library. reading books make a man intelligent and it offers you experience that you will probably not have in your daily life. Apart from that, I like to attend lectures offered by lots of prestigious professors. I am very curious and eager to learn. so these lectures definitely are my favorites.

托福机经3. Your friend has a bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give the friend?

托福独立口语参考答案:I would suggest my friend to eat healthy stuff like vegetables, like salad, tomatoes, and broccoli. Also, in order to have enough nutrient needed for the day, I would suggest my friend to have some sea food, like salmon, tuna, shrimp and stuff like that. They are high in protein, low in carbs. These food are actually easy to cook, you can just steam them, and eat the seafood with some limes or lemon. Another suggestion for my friends is that always avoiding fast food and junk food, like French fries, fried chickens, and hash brown, and stuff. With these two suggestion in mind, my friend can develop a very good eating habit.

托福机经4. Describe a place you would like to study in.

托福独立口语参考答案:My most favorite place to study is my campus coffee shop. when I want to read some English materials, I would stay inside of the coffee shop. when I feel like to practice my speaking English, I can always have the choice to go outside sit around the patios to read out loud. despite all these advantages, you can always enjoy a cup of good-tasting coffee. also, if you feel like to eat some snacks, you can get very delicious cookies. that will give you enough energy to study.

托福机经5. Which technology do you think has made the greatest impact on people's lives in your country. Airplane, computer, or television.

托福独立口语参考答案:I would say that computer has the greatest impact on people's lives. Today people use computer for everything, like watching news, watching movies, listening to music, and even doing shopping on-line, computer provides lots of entertainment, it makes our life more fulfilling. Apart from that, computer is a must in a working environment, people use computer to do all kinds of work in a company, like sending emails, filing paper works, and even using excel to create tables and charts, the use of computer in workplace great improved our productivity.

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托福机经6. If you have a chance to learn something new, which of the following would you like to learn? Flying an airplane, playing a sport or playing an musical instrument.

托福独立口语参考答案:I would definitely choose to play a new sport. I find it very relaxing when I play sports, it helps me to release my tension and depression that I got from both my life and study. Apart from that, playing sports is a very good way to keep healthy and try to be in good shape. It helps you to build up some muscles and be athletic, it is also good for your cardio vascular system. Lastly, I get a chance to meet new friends and broaden my social network when playing a sport, getting to know different people is a very thrilling experience for me.

托福机经7. What is the most important quality the teacher should have?

托福独立口语参考答案:I would say the most important quality of a good teacher is knowledgeable. As known to all, the teacher's job is to impart knowledge and enlighten the students' creativity. A teacher is supposed to be an expert in his or her own field, they should also have some knowledge in other fields, cuz lots of subject are related with other fields for example, geopolitical science deals with geography and politics, behavioral economics is about psychology and economics. Most important of all, a knowledgeable teacher will be more popular than a teacher with very limited knowledge.

托福机经8. Describe a time you learned a new subject.

托福独立口语参考答案:When I was in junior high, I had to learn English for the first time, and it was really hard for me to pick up at first. The words, grammar and sentence patterns are just so different from Chinese. But with the help of my English teacher, I gradually learnt some basic words and useful phrases, and I started practicing English with foreigner whenever I got a chance, the more I acquire, the more I am willing to learn and I put more effort and I am determined to be really good in English. Now, after so many years, I am still a big fan of the English language, and I cannot live a single day without it.

托福机经9. Describe why organizing time is challenging for university students and why it is important?

托福独立口语参考答案:Well, I would say there are lots of reason why organizing time is challenging for university students, to begin with, the tuition keeps raising from year to year, in order to relief the financial burden, lots of students take two even three part jobs off-campus like, to be bar-tenders, dining servers or delivery drivers. Apart from that, the coursework is pretty tough. They have mid-terms, research paper, and presentation to work on during the whole semester. They are bombarded with both their part-time job and workload from school, so the most difficult thing is to find time to relax.

托福机经10. Describe your favorite place in the city.

托福独立口语参考答案:My most favorite place in the city is the beach area. I was born and raised in a coastal city in China. My most favorite place is the beach area. I enjoy bathing in the sun while appreciating the beautiful scenery alone the seashore, like the blossom and palm trees and stuff, and I can also try out the sea food like salmon, tuna and even some lobsters. Apart from that, the most exciting stuff I can do is sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding and even jet skiing with my dad. Though one might get a little sun burnt, I think it's worth it anyway.




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