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关键字  11月23日 托福口语 预测
2014-11-17 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读




1. 071208CN

S1: Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it is important.

2. 080427CN=070113CN

S1: Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places and explain why.

3. 081130CN=071103CN

S1: What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have?

S2: Do you always make friends who have different interests from you? Why?

4. 090118CN=080215NA

S1: Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest contribution to society? Teachers, famers, doctors.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following question. In order to stay happy, you must have a job that you love doing.

5. 090329CN=070804CN

S1: Describe a day that you enjoyed the most or was the most special to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.

S2: Some people prefer to have classes during the day and do part-time jobs in the evening while others prefer to have classes in the evening and do part-time jobs during the day. Which do you prefer?

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6. 090613CN=070728CN

S1: Describe the changes in your life five years from now on. Include specific examples and details in your explanation.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Power and money is the symbol of success.

7. 091101CN=070817NA

S1: What is your favorite outdoor place to do exercise in a nice day?

S2: Some people like to have a break or get a job during summer vacation. Others think it is better to take a class. Which do you prefer and why?

8. 091114CN=080329NA

S1: Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old person to receive higher education and to get a university degree. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

9. 100123CN=080314NA

S1: What's your favorite toy or game in your childhood?

S2: Do you like to be taught by experienced teachers or by new teachers?

10. 100227CN=081114NA

S1: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is good for students to attend a university or college in a foreign country. Explain why.

11. 100424CN=081108NA

S1: Describe your favorite teacher. Explain why you like him or her. Include reasons and details to support your response.

S2: Some people prefer to make decisions quickly. Others prefer to take their time. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

12. 100710CN=090515NA

S1: Describe a time when you tried to do something that you have never done. Explain what you did and why you did it.

S2: Some people prefer to do one job or project at one time. Other people prefer to do several jobs or projects at the same time. Which do you prefer and why?


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13. 100918CN =090221NA

S1: What do you think is the most important quality of a working environment: good leaders, good colleagues, or flexible time?

S2: Do you agree or disagree: cell phone changes our lives greatly.

14. 100926CN=090621CN=080223NA

S1: Describe a character in a book, film, or poem, and explain why you like it.

15. 101031CN=090925NA

S1: Describe an important day in your life. Explain why it is important.

S2: Watching TV is not a good use of time. Do you agree or disagree?

关键词:11月23日 托福口语 预测 托福机经



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S3: 【学校通知】:为节能,大学计划:1、关掉图书馆的灯,代之以节能灯.2、调高空调air-condition 的温度. 【学生态度1 女生反对此计划。理由1、学校应该把学校里的很多空教室的灯关掉来达到节能的目的,节能灯太暗,学生还得自己带台灯。理由2、如果关掉空调,in hot day,图书馆就不够comfortable,就没人去图书馆学习了。大家只能在宿舍复习了,但是宿舍又太吵,所以没法专心复习。

S4: Behavior chaining,就是说有时候教小孩子一件事,就把这件事情拆开来一步一步教。教授的lecture 很简单,就一个例子,教他3岁的女儿wash hands,不要认为,这就是one action,要分开教,5步,turn on the water, wet the hands, put onsoap, wash hands, turn off water.每天教一步,渐渐的小孩子自己就把这几步连起来了,过几天就能自己洗手了。

S5: 男生的问题,明天要去面试,但是西服丢在父母家了。有两个解决办法,一个是穿室友的,但是很大,担心不能给面试官留下好印象;或者,女生提供的方法,今天放学后抓紧时间,再买一件。男生不太愿意,因为他的钱现在都省下来想买个自行车,买了衣服就没钱买车了。


S3: 阅读:学校图书馆因为空间有限,将reference 和journal 改成online,不再提供纸本的材料。这样一来节省空间,二来方便学生。听力:一男一女两个学生讨论,她们听到后都很高兴。男生表示赞同说(1)图书馆这个措施很好,因为他在里面工作过,保存资料很占地方,扩建的话要花很多钱,放到网络上的话可以节约经费。(2)另外,这个举措也能方便学生,因为学生宿舍很多都有计算机,可以直接在宿舍上网查阅资料。

S4: 阅读:讲了生态学中的cyclic population change,说在一个生态系统(ecosystem)中,生物之间的数量(population)是互相影响的,捕食者(predator)和被捕食者(prey)的数量有一个均衡点。听力:教授举了一个例子来说明。讲一种mice 和它的predator(可能是某种wolf)之间互相影响。分三个阶段: (1)prey (mice)多,predator 食物充足,population增加; (2)prey 少了,predator 食物减少了,population 减少;(3)predator 少了,prey 又开始多起来了,如此循环,population平衡。教授说实际上第三阶段就是第一阶段,因为是cyclic,不断重复这三个阶段。

S5: 男生急着要完成艺术paper,但必需要去museum 才能完成,而museum 明天就要关门了,只能今晚去,可是这个男生今晚又有课要上。女生给了两个建议: (1)向负责paper 的教授请求延迟交,男生说这样教授会生气的; (2)向今晚上课的老师请假,然后去museum,缺的内容可以回来再抄笔记,(男生从不缺课,上课的老师会体谅他)。

S6: 心理学中的reinforcement,分为positive reinforcement 和negative reinforcement 两种,即增加能够激发个人兴趣的东西和消除自己不喜欢的东西。教授具体举了两个能实现早起上班的例子。(1)positive(add the pleasure):早起奖励自己好的food,这样就可以让你喜欢早起这种behavior。(2)negative(remove the unpleasant behavior),不喜欢早上shower,那么可以改在晚上,这样人也就不会那么讨厌早起了。


S5: 【学生困难】:女生的脚踝扭伤了broke her ankle,没法开车去she will not be able to drive downtown campus 教teach 高中生上课do the teaching stuffs 没有过去的bus.

【解决方案】:女生自己提出两个方案:方案1、可以每天every 晚上to take taxi,但就是太贵了expensive, 没有cash.方案 2、to ask one of her friends to give her a ride 去上课,女生担心her friend would have to wait for almost an hour as she isteaching the class.

S6: 【讲课要点】:Marine animals protect themselves by producing lights. There are 2 ways:方式一、sudden flash bright light:

举例:When they are under attack, deep-sea shrimps will give a short period bright light to frighten the attackers, and deep-sea shrimps can escape.方式二、constant flash bright light:例子:Since their predators always hunt animals by judging dark shades, hatchet fish give constant light to make themselves seem like sunshine. By doing this, their predators can hardly find them.


S3. 是有个人在校刊上说要申请给nature club 更多经费。听力里女的说,不一定要跟club 才能接近自然,还有进了自然也不一定学到啥东西。

S4. 阅读材料给了一个心理学概念,解释:人们都喜欢accept 那些跟你想法一样的东西,而ignore 那些不一样的东西。听力材料里教授举了例子说,他的一个女性朋友想买一种新型car,不烧油的。她光看关于优点的相关新闻,不看车的缺点报道,比如新型车不稳定,repair 费用高。让你结合听力的例子解释这个心理学概念。

S5. 表演课要求两人表演,一个男生A 的搭档要drop 那门课,他的女同学B 给他建议,可以自己演,可以找别人代替,女同学B 就可以代演,问两个suggestion 是什么,你觉得哪种好?

S6. farmer 选择desirable feature 的品种种植作物。举了例子说,wheat,原来很多成熟的时候都倒在地上,farmer 选择那些不倒的继续种。peach 原来果实很小,farmer 选择果实大的继续种植。让举例说明什么是选择性种植。


S3:是说学校决定把每个班级的人数从8 人增加到15 人。原因是有更多的学生apply 这些课程,但是学校的faculty 有限。男同学的意见:1、增加人数减少了communication with faculty,降低了小课堂的参与程度。2、既然有更多的学生,就可以获得更多的钱,就可以请更多的faculty 解决了人力不足的问题。简言之就是more students, more money, more faculty。问题是:学校做出了怎样的决定,男同学的意见是什么?

S4:阅读:动物有固定的patterns of behavior。听力:1、一种小鱼:male fish 会do attack dance to the finish entering its territory而且是有red mark 的,如果没有red mark 就不会 2、goose:female 鹅生过蛋后会move its head back and forth,但是当它的egg 被moved away 以后,它仍然这样。问题是:讲一讲什么是动物的这种惯性行为(文中用了缩写,好像是AFS 还是FAS 记不清了),然后讲讲lecture 中间的例子如何证明的。

S5:woman 收到一个去marine research 的offer,但是给的钱不够她去交下学期的tuition. man 说:1、explain to them andask for more money(women 怕他们收回offer);2、take a part-time job(woman 说怕时间不够太累) 问题是:这个女生的Dilemma是什么,你认为应该怎么做,为什么?

S6:讲广告。教授说一种广告是让大家记住商品名字。然后讲了How to do it and why it is important to 记住商品名字(问题就是让你总结这个) How:repeat the name over and over again, show the name on the screen of the TV example:一个洗衣机叫“quick washing”Why:(2 点)1. people are likely to buy sth. they know the name of 2.把产品的名字和advantages 要对上号,不然消费者光知道advantages 但不知道是哪个东西有这些优点也白搭啊。问题是:广告的作用是什么,为什么让顾客知道name 很重要?

关键词:11月23日 托福口语 预测 托福机经



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