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关键字  2014年11月8日雅思口语真题 雅思口语真题 雅思口语 11月8日雅思口语
2014-11-11 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读



Part 1

Student / work

1. Are you a student or do you work?

2. What’s your favorite subject?

3. Why did you choose that as your major?

4. Have you considered about changing your major?

5. Do you think your major is useful?

6. What’s your first day at work/school?(新宠问题)


1.What’s your favorite color?

2.Are there any colors you don’t like?

3.Do colors affect you when you buy things?

4.What are the differences between light colors and dark colors?

5.Are there any colors that have special meaning in your country?


1. What kind of weather do you like?

2. What’s the weather like in your hometown/living city?

3. What influence can rainy days have on people’s life?

4. Have you been to any places that have extreme weathers? (极端天气是近来常问的话题)

5. what would you do under extreme weathers?

6. Do you know any extreme weathers?


1. Do you live in a flat or a house?

2. What’s your favorite room in your flat / house?

3. If you can redecorate your flat, what would you do?

4. Have you considered moving to another flat / house?

5. How long have you been living in this apartment?




1. Where are you from?

2. Is there anything you don’t like about your hometown?

3. Are there any places worth visiting in your hometown?

4. Have you considered about moving to another city?


1. Do you like nature?

2. How can we know more about nature?


1. Do you like spending a lot time with your friends?

2. Do you prefer to hang out with average friends or best friends?

3. When did you meet your best friend for the first time?


1. Do you prefer comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?

2. Why do you like these kinds of shoes?


1. Do you have many neighbors?

2. Do you know your neighbors?

3. How should neighbors treat each other?


1. Do you like receiving gifts?

2. Do you often give gifts to people?

3. What kinds of gifts do Chinese people like to give to others?

4. How do you usually select gifts?





Street market

1. Do you like street markets?

2. Are there many street markets in your city/country?

3. What are the differences between street markets and shopping malls?


1. Do you like taking pictures?

2. Do you prefer taking pictures of others or others taking pictures of you?

3. What makes a good picture?

4. Do you think being a photographer is a good job?


1. When do you use maps?

2. Do you prefer electronic maps or paper maps?

3. Do you think maps are important?


1. Do you like receiving gifts?

2. Do you often give gifts to people?

3. What kinds of gifts do Chinese people like to give to others?

4. How do you usually select gifts?


1. How do people celebrate birthdays in your country?

2. Is birthday important to you?

3. Is birthday more important to children or to elder people?


1. What type of food do you like?

2. What type of food is popular in your country?

3. What are the differences between food in the south and that in the north?

4. Did you eat the same as now when you were a child?



1. Do people like go shopping now?

2. Do men enjoy shopping as much as women?

3. Why do women like going shopping more? What do they like to buy?

4. Do you like go shopping in the large mall?

5. What are the advantages of shopping in large shopping malls?


1. Does your city have a lot of museums?

2. Do you like going to museums?

3. What was the last time you went to a museum?

4. Are museums important to children?


1. Do you do housework at home? What type of housework do you do?

2. Did you help your parents with housework/cooking in your childhood?

3. Do you believe it is important for children to help with housework at home?


1. What are the good qualities of a good teacher?

2. In what ways should teachers help students?

3. Is there any teacher you like in your school?

4. Are you still in touch with teachers from your elementary school?

Part 2&3

1. Describe a prize you would like to win.

Q: 1. What kinds of prizes should be given to children?

2. Should employees be awarded with prizes?

3. What does a company benefit from giving prizes to its employees?

2. Describe the book you last read.

Q: 1. Is reading important to people?

2. What are the different reading habits between people nowadays and those in the past?

3. Which do you think is better: hardcopy books or electronic books?

4. Is reading books better than watching TV programs?

5. why do adults love reading novels?

3. Describe a special meals you invited people to your home or a restaurant.

Q: 1. Do you prefer to eat at home or at restaurant?

4. Describe an important job in your country.

Q: 1. Are people busier than the past?

2. At what age do Chinese people start working?

3. Is it easier or more difficult for graduates to find jobs nowadays?

4. Do most graduates choose to work or further their study?

5. Describe a time when you received good service from a company or a shop.

Q: 1.What occupation do you think is common but irreplaceable?

2. Do you think it is hard to be...(第一问提到的职业)

3. Do you think people working in this industry need special training?

4. What are the requirements for people working in this industry?


6. Describe a radio or a TV program you like.

Q: 1. Do you often watch TV programs?

2. what are the pros and cons of watching TVs?

3. Is it good for children to watch TVs?

4. Should parents control their children on what TV programs they can watch?

7. Describe a person you wanted to be similar with.


8. Describe a good law in your country.

Q: 1. Do Chinese people abide by laws?

2. Do you have a safe environment in China?

3. What are the most common crimes in China?

4. Would you commit crimes under emergencies? Why?

9. Describe a famous person (not from you country).

Q: 1. Is he/she famous in your country?

2. What are the pros and cons of being famous?

3. What do you think of privacy problems among celebrities?

4. Do you think we should pay attention to illegal copying of their works?

10. Describe a special thing you bought from a trip.

Q: 1. Why do people like buying souvenir?

2. Will this be a problem to the environment?

3. How to recycle these souvenirs?

4. Will selling souvenirs boost local economy?

11. Describe a second language you would like to learn?

Q: 1. Is learning a second language easy?

2. How should be a second language be taught in schools?

3. what are the benefits of learning a second language?

12. Describe a singer in your country.

Q: 1. Do you like music?

2. what kind of music is popular in China?

3. Is the music industry in your country prosperous?

13. Describe a family member that you like spending time with.

Q: All questions are related to family relationship.

14. Describe a school friend you remember well.

Q: Do you prefer to have one or two friends or lots of different friends?


15. Describe a thing you bought but seldom use.

Q: 1. Do you usually buy things you don’t use much?

2. What things do you think can be recycled?

3. The advantages of recycling things?

4. Do people now have the sense of recycling?

16. Describe a thing you shared with others.

Q: 1. Do you think children should be taught to share with others?


17. Describe a trip you want to have again.

Q: 1. What ways do people like to travel in your country?

2. How to kill time when you feel boring on the way?/

3. what are the benefits of traveling alone?

4. Will people be more interested in traveling in the future?



姓    名:刘昆
所在地点: 成都市人民南路二段18号川信大厦26楼
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT


兴趣引导践行者 ★名师简介:英语语言文学学士,翻译理论与实践硕士。英语专业八级高分获得者。多年英语教学实践成就一套快乐学习方案,秉承快乐学英语的理念,将英语学习与生活实际相融合,考试成绩和语言运用能力并重提升。 ★最擅长:雅思听说、托福听说、语法等课程。  ★教学特点:教学风格风趣幽默,极富感染力,课堂氛围轻松活跃,重视与学生的课堂互动,多次荣膺最受欢迎的听口老师。

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  • 国际高中备考班
  • A-level
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