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关键字  10月11日 预测 小范围 托福考试
2014-10-09 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读





Task 1

Describe a special event or occasion that you had with your family or friends. Explain why it was special.

Task 2

When they meet a problem, some people prefer to seek advice or help from people who are older than they are, while others prefer to seek advice or help from people of the same age. Which do you prefer and why?

Task 3


【学生意见】男的认为建议很好。第一, 导游会有帮助,另外男的是学历史的,可以去当导游,把知识分享给别人,也是一个工作经验。第二是学生白天学习很重,没有时间去博物馆,参观博物馆是很好的休息,更多的学生会去参观。

Task 4

动物发警报的声音会根据 predator 的不同而不同,同时引起的同胞逃跑反应也不同。听力里讲到 meerkat,平时生活在地下, 但还是得上到地面去觅食。通常会有一个在那把风,当它看到 big bird 的时候,会发出很响的噪音,这样别的兄弟姐妹就会躲到地 下去直到鸟飞走; 但当它看到蛇的时候,就会发出另外一种不同的声音,这是所有 meerkat 会聚集到一起来吓退蛇

Task 5



Task 6

Lecture 讲动物保护色,说有两种情况,一是根据周围的环境作变化,另一种是不怎么到别 的地方去,所以只是保持跟它所在的环境颜色一样。分别举了一种frog 和一种 lizard 作例子。 



阅读材料观点:采取措施使 tortoises 数量增长

1. 种植一种 pine trees 保护这种龟的栖息地。

2. 将研究中心繁育的龟 release to wild environment。

3. 将这种龟 reintroduce to 一些原没有这种龟的地方去。


1. 种植 pine trees 会使得龟赖以生存的草不到足够的阳光而长不好,因而会影响龟的数量。

2. 研究中心繁育的龟不能适应野外的环境。 在实验室中病了有人治,但野外没人给它们治。还有就是这种龟可能会传播疾病给野生 龟。

3. 这种龟有一种习惯,总是要返回原来的栖息地,所以即使把它们带到新环境,它们也会 想办法回原来的栖息地,这会使它们在回家的 途中面临更多的 risks,比如说在 busy road 被汽车撞死。


1.volcanic mining 出来的 metal 不一定 available,目前的技术不够好,collect and transportation 技术都不好

2. 即是 metal 只污染 2 公里以内的,但是污 物业会 drift back 回? 动物还是会受影响

3. 虽然现在很多 law 管制,而 coast 属于某 一个国家。international agency &law 只对公 海有效,对 coast 无效吧。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.



Task 1

Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?

Task 2

When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal?

Task 3

【学校通知】:信里建议把 math building 的一层改成 cafeteria。Convert large empty room in Maths building into small cafeteria. Student can eat between classes 2) install recharge outlets in new cafeteria so student can ???recharge their laptops.

【学生意见】 :女的赞成,说好啊,现在吃饭的地方在 student center,离 building 好远,上课间隙来来回回很 赶,要是能在一层吃东西会朋友该多好,然后又说数学系的楼太旧了,cafeteria 可以recharge laptop 这样很方便,而且还可以在那干点别的事。(students always use laptops during classes - allows students to recharge

Task 4

【名词解释】leader price,就是搞个商品降价,打广告吸引顾客来买,这就是领导产品...别人来了不仅会买这个 产品,还会买其他的...所以虽然这个产品没赚钱,其他的赚了很多。

【讲座举例】教授年轻时在超市工作,经理 把牛奶降价,打广告,许多顾客来买,顺便买了其他东西,像鸡蛋什么所以那周获得了更高总利润。

Task 5

【学生问题】gg 碰到的问题:要在的 newspaper 上发文章,但是照片处理出现些问题。

【解决方法】mm 推荐方 法 1,不要放照片上去。但是 gg 觉得这样文章缺少吸引力。方法 2,还有一天的时间,争取重新去拍照片。

Task 6





综合写作 passage 讲了三种可能的理论来解释一次物种大灭绝

1. sea level decline 造成 coast living 灭绝。 

2. cool climate,主要是火山活动造成的 SO2 增多,导致地球变冷。 

3. asteroid strikes,产生的 cater 使植物得不到足够的 sunshine,也是恐龙灭绝的原因。

listening 里的 professor 进行一点一点的否决:

1. 她说 sea level 在那个时候是 fluctuate,但是很 graduate,所以对 coast living 造不成影响因为它们能适应环境的变化。 

2. SO2 虽然能使地球变冷,但是大气中的 SO2 不怎么多,而且还为变成酸雨降到地面上。

3. asteroid 撞击地球是在 12 million year ago(好像是,不太确定没在作文里写),在生物大灭绝之前发生,和这次没任何关系。



1. 海平面上升造成沿海生物灭绝 

2. 火上活动造成二氧化硫增多,导致地球变冷。

3. 小行星的撞击产生使得植物得不到足够阳光,恐龙赖以为食的植物无法正常生长使得恐龙灭绝。


1. 当时海平面是波动的,而且海平面上升是一个渐进的过程,很难对沿海生物造成影响因为他

2. 大气中的 SO2 不多,而且还为变成酸雨降到地面上。

3. 小行星撞击地球是在 12 million year ago(好像是),在生物大灭绝之前发生,和这次没任何关系。



It is important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not just for things that are practical.

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Task 1

Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different.

Task 2

Do you prefer to have fast food in a fast-food restaurant, or do you prefer to have food in other kinds of places?

Task 3

【学校通知】:校报登了封信,说要对学校大礼堂(auditorium)整修,首先要改进音响系统,然 后引入 online tickets system

【学生意见】:听力里女生同意。第一学校礼堂音响系统确实非常烂,她有时候自己组织读诗 会,学校麦克风经常不 work。第二,online systems 也非常有效,能解决问题她自己很难找出合适的时间去现场买票,大礼堂离教室非常远,有时买票队伍很长。

In the set of materials, the reading part mentioned that the school’s hall needs to be renovated. And there are two ways of improving. One is to improve the stereo system; and another one is to introduce the online tickets system. The woman totally agreed with this proposal. First, from her experience, it is really a giant problem for the stereo system. The microphone often doesn’t work during the poem competition, which gave a bad ambiance for them. In addition, she believes the online system should be very effective, which can easily solve the problem. This is because the hall is quite far from the classroom, not convenience. And sometimes the queue was also quite long. 

Task 4

主题:promotion risk

听力:例子是 software designer 因为工作很好,就升职做了 supervisor of xxx department,但是这个人很擅长设计软件,但是不擅长管理,不能在 deadline之前完成工作,不能 motivate 其他员工,但是又不能给他降职,会让他很没面子,因而公司要承担给他升职的风险。

Task 5

【1 个问题】the man can't find his camera before his trip to Spain. 男生在 spring break 要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了

【2 个建议】he can either buy a new one, or borrow one from his friend Jake. 女生让他买, 但是他说没有 enough money,他自己说他朋友(貌似说了具体的名字)可以借给他,但是 他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken 或者 stolen 就不好了   

In the conversation, the man plans a trip to Spain during the spring break, but unfortunately, he can't find his camera. He is so upset because he can't take pictures there. The woman offers two possible solutions. One is to buy a new one, and another choice is to borrow a camera form his friend. The first choice seems impossible because he can't afford a new camera. And he also doesn't want to borrow from his friend though it's available. The woman agrees with him, because if the camera is broken or stolen, it will also be a problem. And if it were my choice, I will choose the latter one. I would like to take pictures very much during my trip, and now that I can't afford a new camera, borrowing one becomes a good alternative. Though it is at the risk of being broken or stolen, as long as we are careful enough, it won't be a problem.

Task 6

【讲座主题】mechanism that animal use to survive from water current. 

【相关例子】one is attainment, black fly larva. the second is thick body, sculpin. 补充:两种动物,black fly larva 和 splince(音译)为什么可以在激流中保持不动,那个 larva 好象是因为 hand&hook,所以可以 touch the bottom of river.第二个好像身体里有一个 borrower(音译),可以让他在水中保持不动。

The lecture tells us about the mechanism that the animal use to survive from water current. The professor gives two examples. One is the black fly larva and the other is splince. The black fly larva can stay under the water without being flush away because its 'hands and hooks' can touch the bottom of the river. The splince has a special physical structure which enables it hold tight under the water.



阅读文章 deep-sea mining

1. 论述 mining 的 metal是适合的

2. 论述 metal的污染问题 0T

3. 论述 mining 的管制法制问题


1.volcanic mining 出来的 metal不一定 available,目前的技术不够好,collect and transportation 技术都不好

2. 即是 metal只污染 2公里以内的,但是污物业会 drift back 回? 动物还是会受影响

3. 虽然现在很多 law 管制,而 coast属于某一个国家。international agency &law 只对公海有效,对 coast无效吧。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should set strict rules to their children if they want them to succeed in the future.



Task 1

Describe how cellphones change people’s lives.Please give your answer with specific examples and details

Task 2

Some people prefer to go to the same place for a vacation.Others prefer to go to different places and spend less time at each place.Which do you prefer?

Task 3

Reading—Announcement: the school is planning toprohibit students ride bicycles on campus because there could be accidents.Instead, the school would provide free bus service. 

Listening—Attitude: 女生反对

Listening—Reason 1: 事故都是晚上发生的,白天很安全

Listening—Reason 2: Bus 一小时才来一班,太浪费时间

Task 4

Reading—Test Customer: in order to see whetheremployee’s performance, the employer might hire a ‘customer’ that makespurchases in the store just like regular customers do, then the hired‘customer’ reports to the employer about the employee’s performance. 

Listening—一个餐厅的 manager 找一个人当 test customer,来测试员工的服务是否到位。

Task 5

Problem: The women is attending a play, but she’sbusy with her school work, so she’s afraid that attending the play mightinfluence her academic performance. 

Solution 1: Quit the play Comment: she’s majoring in theater, and she is notattending the play just for fun, it’s beneficial for her career

Solution 2: Drop some of the required classes, takethem next semester Comment: she has to start over on these classes,it’s a lot of trouble

Task 6


观点 1:从 low angle拍显得比较 powerful

例子 1:电影 Queen of England 中的 queen 就采用 lowangle拍摄

观点 2:从 high angle拍显得角色比较 powerless

例子 2:拍一个沙漠中的男人,如果俯拍就显得他 hopeless



Primary care doctors



20,000 primary care doctors are in shortage in America, there are three reasons

1, 上医学院学费贵,学生需要贷款,毕业之后 primary doctors 的工资低,不够还贷款

2,P C doctors 压力大, 工作时间长,看的病人多,没人愿意干这个工作

3,the opportunities to get trained are limited. 毕业后要培训三年才能上岗,但是residency position 不多,导致很多学生毕业后得不到培训,之后他们就延迟培训或者该行



1,学生入学时承诺毕业后在 primary care field 干,政府就会给他们提供帮助,比如帮助附贷款或者提供奖学金


3,美国颁布了一个法律,规定如果毕业生三年里都没有接受培训,政府就会把他们安排到其他医院,这些医院有 residency positions 



It is more important for a university to spend money on improving facilities (libraries, computer labs and technology in general) than to spend money on hiring famous teachers.


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Task 1

What do you think is the most significant benefitthat internet brings to our life? Explain why you think this benefit isimportant. Please include reasons and details to support your response.

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement: people live healthier lives now than they did 100 years ago? Pleaseuse specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Task 3


School will remove the posters on the concrete wall outside the student centre.   first it can improve the appearence. second,posters can be put in the dining hall on the bulletin board.



first,the concrete wall would be boring without the changing posters. Different posters can show different personalities. second,not everybody eating in the dining hall. students may choose to eat in the snack bar or on the street. So posters in the dining hall will not be noticed by them.

Task 4

Reading—Coloration warning: Animals havespecial color or other features that surprise/startle the predators, so thenext time when predators see them, they wouldn’t come close. 

Listening—Skunk【臭 鼬】 The predator of skunk is wolf. When wolves approach, they would emita unique scent to drive the wolves away. Skunk has bold black and whitecoloration which makes their appearance memorable. So the next time when wolvessee skunk, they know to stay away in order to avoid being sprayed by the scent.

Task 5


the man has a conflict :he wants to attend a film discussion meeting tomorrow but he also has to dine with his cousin tomorrow.

two choices:

1 the woman dines with cousin for the man advantage:cousin will know more people disadvantage:the cousin is shy,dining with the woman may be uncomfortable.

2  the man will not attend the meeting. disadvantage:the film discussion meeting is really interesting.  

Task 6


观点 1:我们在之前对它们有所了解

例子 1:没了解过音乐的人参加 classicalmusic concert,一年之后就不会对这个concert有很多记忆;但是学习过音乐的人却可以记住其中的 details

观点 2:对特殊的人或事能记得更清楚

例子 2:在大教室中上课,人们更容易记住特别的人,比如 tallboy/intelligent girl




Electronic medication record


It is benefit to have electronic medication record.

1. Save money

2. Less error

3. Provide research data



1. Doctors will keep paper records even if they have electronic records.

2. Doctors like to use paper records, and ask others to input records into computer, which will more easily to make errors. Medicine records cannot be used freely.


Do you agree or disagree:celebrities are more important to younger people than they are to older people.



Task 1

Talk about an important decision that you have made.Explain why this decision was important for you in details。

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it's important for students to study Art and Music in school.Explain your answer in details.

Task 3


【Proposal】Students should be allowed to use cell phones in the library.


1. Students can talk with a lower voice and whisper.

2. Occasionally, students need to make emergency calls.


The girl disagrees. It doesn’t work.


1. The library should be quiet. If students talk with a lower voice or whisper, they cannot be heard, so they would have to talk loudly and make noise, which will cause the distractions to other students.

2. If students get emergency calls, they can go out to check messages. Normally, urgent calls will be delivered by messages.

Task 4

convergent evolution the process in which unrelated animals develope similar traits. Example used was the aarkvard, a pig like animal, and echidna, a small animal in Africa. Both animals eat the same insects who lives in complexly mud holes. Both developed long sticky tongues that can be used to eat the insect. 

Task 5

【Problem】 The man in the conversation attends a club and they would like to travel to France, but he doesn’t have enough money to pay for the plane ticket.


1. He can work extra ten hours every day at the restaurant.

2. He can sell his guitar to pay for the ticket. He hasn’t been using his guitar for a long time.

Task 6

product repackaging : two conditions companies would do so the first condition is in response to new technology or material available for packaging the example used was milk bottles from glass to plastic more durable and cheap. Second condition is in response to competition from competitors. example used was milk again. it's competitors selling juices n tea started to sell in smaller n more portable sizes it changed its products into smaller and more portable sizes to respond to competitor market change. 




Schools in big cities do not have enough teachers, the reading believes that signing bonuses ( offering teachers cash payment,and other financial incentives)  project can improve urban schools. 

1. Signing bonus will increase the income, usually teachers' income is low. So this project could stimulate other teacher to apply for urban schools. 

2. The Signing bonuses makes the teachers's salaries comparable with other professions, thus would attract capable candidates from other professions into teaching positions such as computer science, engineers. 

3. The signing bonuses will reduce teacher staffing problem at the beginning of a school term. They will not quit at the beginning of their jobs. Besides, They are legally obligated to pay back the money if they quit.



The signing bonuses are not likely to solve the problem. 

1. According to a survey concerning what do teachers care the most. Salary is not the top concern. Other factors, such as how well the school administration is, how well the laboratories and libraries are, or even the commute hours matter more to some experienced teachers. So the experienced teachers are not likely to apply for urban schools only for the sake of money.

2. The biggest obstacle for other professions to enter teaching position is the stressful and long process getting the teaching certification.  They have to quit the old jobs  to prepare, which results in salary loss. If they are preparing while doing their current job, it would be more stressful. 

3. it would not be a good thing to both teachers and their students if teachers are trapped in their position. Teachers can not leave schools before they pay back the bonus money, they will not in good mood, the teaching and student will suffer.


For any business to be successful, it must spend more money on advertising. 

关键词:10月11日 预测 小范围 托福考试 托福机经



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