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2014-07-15 来源:新通外语网igo99.cn 作者:孙忱 阅读量: 手机阅读


新通宁波雅思口语名师最新解析的2014.7.12雅思口语考情,以专业的教学经验,现隆重推出2014.7.12雅思口语考情解析,针对雅思口语作出了权威的解释,赶快来看看吧。详细咨询欢迎来电! 免费咨询电话:400-618-0272

Part 1 高频问题及范例回答

What do you do to relax?

I work out in the gym.

I don’t take a break like everyone else, I just keep doing this non-stop.

I jog, bounce, lift, stretch out a little bit, and do some boxing. After working out, I feel relaxed and refreshed.



Do you prefer to stay at home in the evenings or do you prefer to go out?

I prefer to stay at home. The main drags in the evenings are always packed with people. It’s too crowded.

But I go to the gym everyday to keep in shape.

Do you like walking? (why/ why not?)

It’s boring to take a walk alone. Unlike walking, working out in the gym is a better way to loose weight and burn some calories.

Where do you walk? 

 I usually walk my dog in my neighborhood. It’s a park where local people enjoy taking a walk, jogging, and things like that. Besides, what I enjoy most about walking my dog is that you always run into people in this small world.

Would you say your hometown is suitable place for walking?

I wouldn’t say the place where I live is a safe place for walking, but when I walk down the street I watch life goes by in front of me and do some soul-searching. It feels good.






姓    名:孙忱
所在地点: 宁波海曙冷静街8号银亿时代广场15楼(天封塔斜对面)
联系电话:0574-8707 6033电子邮箱:tatasun@shinyway






★ 相关词汇表达

gym 健身房

work out 健身

non- stop 不停地

main drags 闹市区

walk one’s dog 遛狗

be packed with 装满了…

calories 卡路里

bounce 跳跃

jog 慢跑

lift 举重等力量练习

stretch 拉伸

watch life goes by 观察行人路人

soul-searching 自我反省思考人生

near one’s neighborhood 我家附近



★ Keep的用法

Keep V-ing 不停做某事

Keep a secret 保守秘密

Keep in shape 保持身材

Keep the promise 遵守承诺


Do you like rainy days?

It depends. In summer, I’d rather have rainy days once in a while because rain cools the temperature down. But serial rainy days make me feel depressed and gloomy.

What do you do on rainy days?

I usually stay indoor, watching some televisions or movies, or just do some reading. And it’s inconvenient to go around so I would order food from a small diner nearby.

Does it rain much China?

It depends on where you live. In coastal areas, it rains a lot in summer and it’s a good thing because the temperature in summer can go as high as 43 degrees here. But in inner land areas like northwest, it barely rains all the year around.

★ 相关词汇表达

cool… down 冷却

serial 持续的

gloomy 心情不好的

go around 出行

diner 小餐馆

coastal 沿海的

inner land 内陆

as high as …高达…






Part 2 童年游戏 A game from your childhood

一个外国小朋友都在玩的游戏 “抢椅子”

☆Musical Chairs

A childhood game I used to play a lot is musical chairs. I played this game indoor or outdoor with a couple of my friends. Basically, it goes like this: first, you place several chairs in circle, back-to-back. The important thing is that the number of chairs should be one less than the numbers of players. Then player should walk in line around the circle to the beats of music. When the music stops, players try their best to sit on the chair closest to them. The one who are left without a chair will be eliminated and asked to take a chair off with him. The game continues like this till there is only one chair left, it means the winner will be the one who sits on the last chair.

You can make it more challenging and funnier by blindfolding the players and they might end up cracking up together. 
Anyway it’s popular among kids of all ages. It’s easy to arrange the set; all you need is a couple of chairs and a music player. It is a game with a lot of fun that develops kids’ agility and musical sense.


Part 3  Childhood Game

1. Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop children’s abilities in the same way?

Nope, indoor activities like board games, puzzles, twister, things like that are more likely to develop kids’ intelligence and their interest in this world. That’s why indoor games are popular with school teachers and all you need is some inexpensive but creative supplies and ideas. For example, many games improve kids’ language and math skills. While outdoor games are the best if you want keep your kids off their computers and televisions and outdoor games are mostly ball games and sports, which allow kids to keep physically fit and agile.

2. How have games changed during past few decades?

Nowadays electronic games seem to be the mainstream due to the fact that both children and adults are addicted to some of the most popular games in app store. Those games are designed to be addictive and competitive and it takes long time to conquer or get rid of. However before the “electronic game era”, games are simple and fun, and they connect people in a certain group. In terms of devices, some old games are easy to arrange with some creative supplies while games today are mainly played on our mobile phones and digital devices.

3. What benefits do people get from games?

Obliviously people get a lot of fun and excitement from playing games. Games on our smart phone allow us to avoid people who you don’t want to talk to, kill time in subway, and most importantly fill up our loneliness and emptiness. It’s instantly available for a quick game if you’re bored in a party or something. But I’m not saying that games are not beneficial in other positive ways. For example, nothing beats the party games when there is a need to break ice or entertain your guests. Games are like magnets, they are a lot of fun, and they bring people together. 





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