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关键字  7月6日 小范围预测 托福机经
2014-07-02 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读



推荐: ,  ,  

口语第 1 题

1. Describe one thing you didn’t want to do but you were asked to do.描述曾经你不想做但被要求去完成的一件事,并说明事件的结果如何。 




2 后来这件事的结果如何:如果完成了,那是一个人还是在别人(亲朋好友老师)的鼓励帮助下完成的?如果未完成,又是什么原因以及这件事给你带来怎样的影响。 


1. Describe something hard that you have ever done in your life and explain why it is hard. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 

2. Talk about an experience of learning something new. What difficulties do you have to overcome in order to learn it? 

3. When they meet a problem, some people prefer to seek advice or help from people who are older than they are, while others prefer to seek advice or help from people of the same age. Which do you prefer and why?   


2. Advantage and disadvantage of eating in class. 







>>   >>  


1. When they are studying to prepare for an exam, some students like to study with other people, while others like to study alone. Which do you prefer and why?

2. What kind of food do you recommend to add to food menu on campus cafeteria? Use Examples and details to support your response.

3. Describe a time when you are asked to do something you don’t want to do, and what happend as a result 

4. 现在的大学生经常 homesick,有什么解决的办法? 

5. 说说你最感兴趣的一个 subject. 

6. What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation. 

7. 是说有些大学把 paper books或者 magazines给卖掉了,取而代之的是 electronic books,你觉得可行不可行。 

I agree that the university can sell all the paper books and magazines, and turn into the electronic books. 

First, the electronic books make information searching much easier. Because if you want to find some information in the electronic readings, you can just type the key words into it, and it only takes one second to find the thing you need. But you must read the book word by word if you use the printed books. 

What’s more, the electronic book is free. The university doesn’t have to pay the money to buy paper books or magazines. It will save a lot of money that university can use it in other part, such as education system and teaching equipment. 

关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经





口语第 2 题

1. 是不是该要求富人出钱帮助别人 

2. Someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it. what's your preference? 

3. Do you prefer to take courses related to a specific career, or do you prefer to take a variety of courses? 






1.Describe a subject you like studying in college. Include details and examples to support your response. 

2.Do you think that university student is wasting time to take other courses in other school that are beyond their major? Use specific reasons to support your answer. 

3.Describe a subject that you would like to learn more. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 

4. 你是愿意参与 sports,还是看别人 play.Which one do you prefer? 

Be a part in sports or watch other people play. Use specific examples and details to support your answer. 

I prefer to participate in sports instead of just watching others to play. There are  several reasons for this. First, I personally enjoy playing sports as my hobby and interest. I feel relaxed after a hard day’s work every time I’m playing basketball or soccer. It’s just a great feeling to do something I enjoy and get the frustration I built up in the day out of my system. Second, playing sports allows me to stay fit in the process as well, it helps me to lose weight and maintain my health. Lastly, it is actually easier to make friends through playing sports together. I’m a person that is always interested in meeting new people that share the same interests as me. These are the reasons why I prefer to play the sports instead of watching it.   

5. 你喜欢 outdoor activity 还是 indoor activity such as yoga 

Well, as far as I am concerned, I think it depends on different situations and both the outdoor and indoor activities are beneficial for our health. Generally speaking, I do more outdoor activities than the indoor ones. Because we don’t need to prepare a lot when we do outdoor activities, for instance, running on the playground or jogging along river. What we need are just a pair of comfortable shoes and a good mood. 

However, indoor actives such as yoga give us different feelings. While listening to the beautiful music and following coach’s actions, I feel more relaxed.

Especially when I have been under pressure for a long time, doing yoga make me refreshed. In a word, I will choose different activities according to my different needs. 

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to teach children in primary schools than  students in universities. Include reasons and details in  your explanation. 

7. Government该不该 spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle 

I agree that government should spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

First, it is essential for citizens to have a healthy lifestyle, especially for the old ones. 

Now, there are more and more old people in the society. So it is a problem for the government to care for the old-age population. But if they keep a healthy lifestyle, the government will save a lot efforts and a large number of money. 

What’s more, if the citizens have a healthy lifestyle, all the works will be done more efficiently. It shows that 34% people who have a lower efficiency is because of their bad health. 

So I agree with it.

关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经





口语第 3 题

Task 3-1

短文内容是说现在的 Modern literature 课越来越 popular,有些大学就采取了两个方法让更多的同学 enroll。




理由一是小教室更方便 group discussion,大教室距离远了不好操作;

理由二是有的同学晚上有活动,还有 jobs to do,肯定没有时间来参加晚上的课时。

Task 3-2

学校在考试复习期间举办什么娱乐活动 , 期间取消校内公交车 , 有人感到不满给校长写信,


原因二是取消 校内公交车对要乘车的人很不方便。 对话中女生认为这两个理由都没有说服力。


其次学校很小,去哪里都可以步行,不行横穿学校只要 30 分钟,况且公交车只取消几个小时而已,no big deal 

Task 3-3

有一个 policy 要大家都要参与 discussion 也算分.MM 说这样不好,有的人写的好但 shy 所以说得不好,有的人要过好久之后才开始与人交流啥的(我觉得这次口语中听力语速偏快了, 甚至比听力快似的,记不及,我记得其实还算全,就是一个一个单词的,说的时候都有点看不懂了..中间两题说得最不好.) 。

Task 3-4

学校要建个休息室 change a room in student center into student lounge 给不住学校的学生用,可以放书,有 locker,放一些 bus schedule。男生不同意一:住学校的同学也需要,因为宿舍很远。图书馆已经有 locker,不需要再建。二:没必要专门为放 bus schedule 建休息室,网上电话都可以查。

Task 3-5

14 年 7 月 6 日 托福考试小范围 机经  jazz band 要在 afternoon 在校园的 lawn 开 concert  woman 不满意 因为

1. 学生要学习, 会打扰, evening 更好 

2. 很多人聚堆会踏坏草坪

Task 3-6

学校决定让 freshman 最多没学期选四门课,因为学生需要时间 involve in non-academic activities 和 develop research skills。男生表示同意,说自己就是因为大一课太多太忙了,没时间参加社团活动。然后就是他觉得 develop research skill需要花很多时间,举了一个他自己做 old newspaper(?)研究的例子。

关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经





口语第 4 题

Task 4-1


behavior exposure Concerningabout negative consequence, kids usually fear to do something new. Themethod to solve this problem is let them try new things gradually (sorry, can not recall some details) The speaker gives a example: His family moved to Los Angeles,some neighbor kids played outside (riding bicycle), he found that hisson wanted to join but also fear to do so. So he asked his son if helike to buy some ice cream from the store, his son said “OK”, then heasked his son say “hi” when they are passing by the neighbor kids. Hisson did that according to his suggestion. On the way back, herecommended his son to talk more with the neighbor kids on the bicycleriding ( did not get completely, sorry). After they returned home, hisson asked if he can go out to play with the neighbor kids.


behavior exposure 大概是心理学暴露疗法的意思



步骤 1.教孩子接触那件事



lecture (有点啰嗦 可是我难得记得住) 教授的孩子 Tommy 11 岁  搬到洛杉矶以后 Tommy 不敢和别的孩子玩,可是又想玩

有一天 tommy 看着窗外的孩子很郁闷,于是教授说 tommy 我们去买雪糕,然后路过那些孩子的时候打个招呼说 HI ,然后去了之后孩子们都很友善;第二次叫 tommy 赞扬别的孩子的车,然后就融入孩子们了。

Task 4-2

anticipated emotion。人们采取行动之前会对自己做了这个事情之后会有一个怎样的心情有一个估测,然后根据这个估测决定自己是不是要做那件事。lecture 里,教授举例子说有一次去给妹妹买生日礼物,发现一件很想买的 jacket,但是买了 jacket 之后就只能给妹妹买很便宜的小礼物,于是他就想如果真的买了 jacket 的话他肯定会很愧疚,所以最后决定还是不买了

Task 4-3

Aggressive recuiting 即商家在推广期间给与顾客一些实惠 , 积累顾客 , 推广期过后开始收费增加收入。  lecture 举了一个 gym 的例子在说明 这种策略的有效性 。 具体是 ,gym 在推广期让消费者免费获得健身指导 , 一个月以后取消免费政策 , 结果大部分人都继续使用该服务 , 于是增加了gym 的 customer basis,是有效的 

Task 4-4

Reading: 【课文要点】 讲象征性的奖励 (token reward system)。每次学生行为良好就给个象征性的奖励 , 积累到一定的数量 , 就可以拿 real reward 杄 用不同的奖励来引导学生的行为,可以有效地刺激学生学习。

Listening:【教授举例】教授举了一个例子:如果想要学生上课安静听话,可以给他们安排更多时间玩 , 结果不太有效 , 因为有些学生不喜欢在操场玩 , 喜欢在教室活动 。 接着教授给学生 wood coin ,学 生 可 以 攒 着,积 累 到 一 定 了 就 可 以 换 取 学 生 自 己 想 要 的 奖 励 方 式:比如优先使用电脑等,这样促进了学生学习。

Sample answer:   

The reading passage explains a definition of token reward system It states that a token reward is often used to encourage those students who behave well in class. When they accumulate a certain number of token rewards, they can get real reward. In the listening passage, the professor gives an example to illustrate this. If the students listened to the teacher attentively in class, the professor would reward them with extra playing on the ground.

However, not all of them enjoyed playing on the ground; some of them would rather stay in the classroom, doing something to their own taste. Then the professor changed. He gave students wood coins; students collected them. When they had a certain number of them, they would be rewarded as they like, such as using the computer before others.

By these means, he proves that token reward system can motivate students to learn and behave well.

Task 4-5

【名词解释】planning fallacy. (“planning fallacy”讲的是人很难预测到潜在的问题 ) Fail to consider all the possible factors that affect the project and lead to the inaccuracy in estimate the time that cost to complete then lead to bad consequences. 

【讲座例子】 教授在大学时是好学生,有一天他的教授布置了 10pages 的 paper,他认为他 很快可以写完,所以提前一天开始写,到了图书馆,借了书,回去发现材料不够,再去图书 馆时, 已经关门了,所以只能迟交作文,最后得了很低的分,虽然他教师觉得他的内容很好

Task 4-6

为了确定 service 在 consumer 当中的印象 , 用 observation 而不是用普通的 ask questions ,因为 questions 让人觉得烦 , 会给 negative answer ,例子是一个 museum 有 3 parts 要知道哪个 part 更 popular 

关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经





口语第 5 题

Task 5-1


Female student got a problem

She is taking a pottery course, got ahomework to make some pottery and put flower in, but she accidentlydrop the pottery into 3 pieces Two solutions proposed by herself:)  1 glue together, but get some crack on it 2 start over again, days may be sufficient, but she get another final exam to prepare 


一个女生心情不好 原来是在陶艺课 做了个花瓶后天要上交 本来做好了 可是早上不小心打了 碎成三块 男生说 wow 那可怎么办 女生说 1.glue it together as the peices are not tiny, but afraid that the Prof. will discover and get low mark 2.make a new one but she has a final test for another course which she really need to study

Task 5-2

【学生困难】 :女生要在校报发表一篇 paper,但文章写得 too long to publish 。

【解决方案】 :男编辑给他两个方案:方案 1 、删掉一半 cut off the paper / make it shorter 就能立即出版。但女生觉得每个部分都很重要,不愿意 cut,要弄短就只能 Summarize 了。方案 2 、到 暑 期 版 summer issue 上发表 publish 。女 生 不 太 愿 意,因 为 暑 假 大 家 都 放 假 了,没 人看得到。 

Task 5-3

女生说父母来参加他的毕业典礼,遇到了麻烦:他们从比较远的地方来需要找地方住下,但学校附近的 hotel 都 book 满了。 Solu1:去她的公寓住,但她的公寓非常小,需要 rearrange,她要睡沙发了。 Solu2:去远一点的 hotel 住,但缺点是离学校开车 20 分钟, 需要租车,成本比较高。

In the conversation, the woman comes across a problem that her parents are going to attend her graduation ceremony and they need to find somewhere to live in since they come from long distance. The problem is that all the hotels nearby has been booked. Her friend gives her two solutions. One is her parents live in her department with her, but the department is too small, she has to rearrange it and sleep in the sofa. The other is to live in a hotel at a distance, however, they need to rent a car so that will cost a lot. Personally, I would definitely prefer the first one. Living in her department is very convenient for her parents to go to her school, and if they arrange the department well, all of them can live comfortably. What’s more, if her parents live in a hotel far away, the woman will be worried about her parents. All in all, I would choose to have the woman live with her parents in her department.

Task 5-4


方法一,一半音乐会,再去试镜, 但是浪费音乐会票。

方法二,去音乐会,第二天再去 试镜,可是第一天是主角,第二天都是配角的试镜,没几句台词

Task 5-5

男子的问题, summer job, 租了个房子, 但 kitchen unavailable, 2 decisions:

1. friend 有 kitchen,一起用, 但是会 inconvenient.

2. 在 school cafeteria 买个 plan ,很便宜,但距离远

Task 5-6

男生在 spring break 要去西班牙玩,准备拍照,但是数码相机丢了,女生让他买,但是他说没有 enough money,他自己说他朋友(貌似说了具体的名字)可以借给他,但是他不想用,女生说:对,万一 broken 或者 stolen 就不好了

关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经





口语第 6 题

Task 6-1

【讲课要点】 :不能自身移动的海底 sea bottom 动物 dwellers(居民)获得食物的方法 feed有两种:第一种、active method :举例:海葵 sea anemone [??nem?ni] 伪装成植物,寄生在其他动物身上,寄主又会放毒液,这样 sea anemone [??nem?ni]就能捕住食物了。第二种、passive method,举 例:牡 蛎 Oyster[? ?ist?],不 动。坐 等 海 水 流 把 微 生 物 tiny material 送到嘴边 

Task 6-3

monkey 常年住在树上,该怎么喝水。举了两个例子,第一个是一种 monkey(记不得名字了,屏幕上会出现),这种 monkey只要吃新鲜多汁的叶子(tender leaves)就可以补充足够的水分;另一些 monkey 是去下雨后积水形成的小池塘里喝水;有一种 spider monkey 是寻找cup-shaped 的植物,利用植物作容器喝水。

Task 6-3

讲鸟类迁徙之前都会做一定的调整和改变,分两方面:1,body change:长途飞行需要大量能量,为了减少停下来的次数,会提前储存能量,吃多点存脂肪。2,习惯的改变:为了应对路上碰到的敌人,一些独来独往的鸟会开始 social,结成 group 一起飞,比较安全。

In the lecture, the professor mainly talks about birds’ adjustment and change before their migration. He tells us two respects of changes. The first one is the body change. In order to decrease the number of pauses during the long flight, the birds need a quantity of energy. Therefore, before their journey, the birds will eat much more food to store fat, which will save a great deal of energy for them ahead.

The second one is their habit change. The birds will meet a lot of enemies on the way of migration, so the birds who usually live alone will learn to be social and live in groups with other birds. When the birds fly together to the destination, all of them will be much safer.

Task 6-4

讲了昆虫的两个行为确保他们新出生的后代能存活下去。方法一是在巢里放足够多的食物,这样小昆虫出生的时候就有东西吃了。例子是 potter wasp(好像是这个) ,他们建完巢以后,就会去找各种食物放在巢里。第二个方法是把巢建在食物充足的地方。例子是 butterfly 会四处找地方,找到食物最丰富的地方建巢,这样孩子就能自己捕食。

Task 6-5

教授讲,两种动物,black fly larva 和 splince(音译)为什么可以在激流中保持不动,那个larva 好象是因为 hand&hook,所以可以 touch the bottom of river.第二个好像身体里有一个borrower(音译),可以让他在水中保持不动,

Task 6-6


关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经







erdstall 可能有三种用途:一储存牲口或粮食 ,二躲避强盗 ,三宗教用途 灵魂等候区 但是被 lecture 反驳。

1)储存牲口或粮食: 在冬天 erdstall 都被淹没了,而且也没发现里面有谷类残留. 

2)躲避强盗: erdstall 太小了,存氧气很少,只能容得下几个人。另外,只有一个入口,不太可能像为了逃跑设计的。 

3)宗教用途. 如果是的话,应该所有有共同宗教信仰的村子都有,但是有的村子有,有的村子没有。


Has the large corporation lost its attraction to American


(1),大公司上班有太多 bureaucracy,难以实现自己的 idea 。


(3),大公司最近几年不提供 extra benefits,比如退休金,更低的医疗保险。




(3),自己开公司 extra benefits 更没有保证。



1 大象能预知自己将死,并找到水边独自死去

2 大象有艺术和绘画的能力,能拿笔画画

3 大象胆子小,怕老鼠。


1 大象是因为老了而牙齿脱落,要软的食品,而在水边才容易找到

2 大象会画画是因为有人训练它,教它动作(训象人用摸耳朵的方式)并不是它真的有能力

3 大象不是怕老鼠,是因为它对没见过的东西警觉,这是动物本能,当动物园里的大象(对






三:导致更多的路口交通事故。 力部分反驳文章观点。



三:摄像头引起的事故都是轻微的,并且严重(侧面相撞)事故减少了 40%。 (我确认是 40%)



一个什么动物在很久以前身躯很大的原因: 那时候氧气量很多 plant 很多 warm climate

listening :

1. 氧气量其实比现在还少(很多百分比,糊涂了,这样不确定)

2. plant 是很多,但是营养很少

3. warm climate is actually a disadvantage, because they needed to cool off

主题: 一种动物为什么在很久以前身躯庞大



2. 因为那时植物很多

3. 因为那时气候温暖





The passage mainly discusses the reasons why X animal had a huge body long time ago. However, the lecturer casts doubts on the writer’s view from three different aspects.

First of all, it is said in the reading passage that there was more oxygen in the past. Nonetheless, the professor in the listening material argues that there was actually less oxygen at that time than at present. This is the first place where the speaker disagrees with the reading passage. 

Second, the writer points out that there were a large number of plants in former times. In contrast, the speaker refutes that though the number of plant was incredible, they do not contain enough nutrients. This is the second place that directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates.

Finally, the reading passage states that warm climate was also a reason leading to this animal′s huge body. On the contrary, the professor in the listening material contends that warm climate is actually a disadvantage, because they needed to cool off. This is the last point that entirely opposes the writer’s point of view. (182 )


讲 congestion pricing。 说为了缓解交通拥堵,解决办法就是在 city 中的某个区域收费,这样就能缓解一下。

第一个 point.  这样做可以 improve time(主要就是说节省时间)

第二个 point.  可以改善环境 improve that area's environment

第三个 point.  收的 fee 可以用于 revenue(这个单词没记住怎么拼大概就) the city 可以再

修路,修桥什么的:  lecture 中,professor 否定了这个观点。

1. 他认为这样做有些司机不愿意花钱走这个区域就得绕路,更浪费时间。举了个例子:送快递的,他们要省钱,所以送快递的时候会变长。

2.在收费区里面环境可能会好点,但是周围的车相对就会增多,noise and air pollution 就会多。所以不是整个 city 都能环境变好

3.有的人不能 afford 这个费用了,就会去坐 subway,政府就得出更多的钱维护 subway,这样一来收的那点钱可能还不够维护的,所以也不能起到帮助修桥,修路什么的作用了





三, 政府可以收更多的钱(政府要花钱修路,人民要花车买车)。

it's about the cities' congestion pricing policy, the reading is in the positive attitude: 1.time saving

2.good for the environment 3.considerable revenue. While, the speaker refutes the three points one by one.

英文版:It’s about the cities' congestion pricing policy; the reading is in the positive attitude: 

1.time saving 

2.good for the environment 

3.considerable revenue. 

While, the speaker refutes the three points one by one.


Topic Great 的三个作用。


1. 是储存粮食,cattle。For storing grain and cattle

2. gold mining 那底下有好多矿物啥的。 There is a large quantity of minerals beneath the Great XXX.

3. Observatory


1. 只是看起来像是 grain storage,里面都没 有 grain;

2. thanks to carbon radiation detecting(好像是这个)它底下是有矿什么的,但是那些人并不知道;(综合写作第二点反驳好像有说挖矿手艺在这塔之后才出现 所以时间上不 对)Although there are minerals underneath the structure, people back then did not know it; plus, people mastered the mining technology only after the Great XXX was constructed.

3.观天文用的 tower,他们 design 的时候会有特定的 angle 和 distance,但是这个经过勘察,它不符合他们天文塔的标准。Towers for observing stars require specific angles and distance, however, this Great XXX does not meet such requirements.

关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经







Workers would be much happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.




1. 长期从事同样的工作会使人们对于工作失去积极性,变得像机器一样。

2. 长期接触同样的工作会限制人们的眼界与思维。

3. 从事多种工作会激发人们的创新意识,推动社会发展与变革。


1. 专注于一项工作才能最有效的保证工作质量。

2. 如果人们从事一些他们并不擅长的工作会影响他们的工作质量 , 长此以往会影响他们的自信心 。

3. 如果每个人都从事多样的工作会使得工作竞争变得更加激烈 , 人们的工作压力变得更大 ,从而会引发一些健康问题和社会问题 。

参考答案 :

The world we are living in has seen drastic changes during the past decades, thanks to the fast development of science and technology. In such context of technological development, more employment opportunities have been created. While, in the meantime, many problems have arisen, a perturbing one of which is the discussion about whether people should simultaneously pursue various jobs. Some people who favor it significance maintain that various jobs are favorable for people to improving their career prospect.

Nevertheless, some others with a converse opinion insist that focusing on single work can is more sensible choice. Personally, I am in favor of the later viewpoint.

In some senses, a life-time career has its merits. First, if you stick at taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared; after some time, you will definitely have a good command of it. Consequently you may become a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others. Second, you can establish an extensive social connections relating to the field, helping you tear down most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor. Finally,

learned the lessons.

However, as the modern society develops, experiencing different jobs has its advantages. Initially, we look at the issue of bribery. Many high-level staff is inclined to accept bribes via power in hand. However, if he knows that someone else will soon take his place, such acts can be avoided. We then look at work motivation. If one works for the same company for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and tired of doing the same daily routine. Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a sense of teamwork and the capability of coordination. Therefore, to try various positions can help you gain ground to be promoted.

In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involve one in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by keeping bribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous by making mistakes occasionally. In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid job and pay little attention to changing it.

(377 Words)


1 、People who have learned many different skills are more likely to succeed than those who focus on learning only one skill.

2 、Students should not take part?time jobs while they are studying in the university.

3 、Younger school children (aged five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.


Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.




1. 网络的发展使得人们可以从多种渠道获取知识 , 没有必要一定走进学校接受教育 。

2. 网络课程 ,在线课程 ,各类教学软件多种多样,即 使 没 有 老 师 指 导,人 们 同 样 可 以 进 行学习。

3. 老师的收入并不算很高,很多人不愿选择教师作为职业。


1. 社会发展使得人们对于知识的渴求变得更加强烈。

2. 网络教育或在线教育永远不可能取代学校教育 , 因为学生在学校可以随时向老师提出问题并且得到正确的回答。

3. 尽管各类的教学软件越来越多 , 但是这些软件的编写与设计同样离不开各科的老师的幕后指导。

参考答案 :

As the education is playing more and more important role in social life, one controversial issue comes up that whether nowadays students do not respect teachers as much as in the past. Admittedly, we are emphasizing that everyone is equal and stressing the right to express our ideas different from others. However, on one can assert that current teachers are less appreciated and valued than ever before. Despite of different people hold various perspectives, I, given this chance, prefer to assert that nowadays students respect teachers as much as in the past. My point of view, involves the fundamental and deep discussions as follows. 

To begin with, one should emphasize that nowadays people’s concerns about the education are becoming more and more than in the past. It is undeniable that the teachers play the vital roles in the education and get more respect than in the past. To make it more compelling, let me use more details to demonstrate it. As we all know, to make ourselves more outstanding in this competitive society, we should study hard to compete with others.

In addition, the teachers guide us in our study life and then we must respect teachers to gain the knowledge.However, in the past people always adopted several children and they main concerned about how to solve problem about the supplication of food instead of the education. Due to the change of importance of the teachers in the society, students would respect less than nowadays. Obviously, nowadays students respect teachers more than in the past. 

In addition, another essential and compelling argument that always deserves people’s attention is that the nowadays teachers have more abundant knowledge and more wide perspectives, and then students become more adore teachers than before. Both common sense and our daily experience inform us that with the development of science and technology, teachers have more ways to gain the knowledge than what I can imagine, such as searching Internet, devoting themselves into the specific research and so forth.

What’s more, the nowadays teachers gain the higher degree than before, such as masters and professors instead of the undergraduate. Nevertheless, in the past teachers always gained knowledge from books. Hence nowadays teachers will be more profound

than the teacher in the past and gain more respect from students. 

Admittedly, there are some students do not respect teachers. However the number just occupies the small rate of all students. Furthermore we should acknowledge that there must students do not respect teacher in the past either. 

To sum up, some people might still remain unconvinced, but the reasons I have analyzed would make them more aware of the dimensions of this issue. Hence at last, there will be no doubt that the nowadays students do more respect teachers than in the past.

(471 Words)


Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.

Teaching is harder than it was in the past.

Nowadays students do not respect teachers as much as in the past.


Modern agriculture methods damage the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.




1. 吃饱饭是每个人基本的生存权利,保证人们吃饱饭也是政府们的 基本义务。

2. 人口快速增长,粮食产量供不应求,政府更应该大力发展农业科技。

3. 尤其在一些欠发达国家或地区,政府应该首先大力发展农业科技从而使得人们避免饥饿。


1. 农业发展是一时的 , 环境保护才是长期存在的问题 。 人们更应该保护环境以保证社会的可持续发展。

2. 如果一味发展农业而忽略了环境保护,会导致一些比饥饿问题更加严重的自然问题。

3. 尤其对于发达国家来说 , 农业已经足够发展 , 更应该将更多的精力与经济投入放到环境保护之中。

参考答案 :

The world we are living in has seen drastic changes during the past decades, thanks to the fast development of science and technology. In the context of such development, the efficiency of agricultural production has substantially improved with the appearance of labor-saving and labor-replacing machines. Nevertheless, the application of these advanced technologies has simultaneously brought much environmental problems. Accordingly, many people confused aboutwhether providing more food to more people thereby solving starvation problems is more essential than protecting the environment. This problem has aroused much debate therefore it is deserved for people to analyze.

First and foremost, food is the basic living requirement for each person. For each individual, avoiding starvation is the foundation of all kinds of social activities. Moreover, providing enough food to citizens thereby solving starvation problems and satisfying their basic living rights is simultaneously the fundamental responsibility of each government. Take some undeveloped countries, especially some African countries, as an example. Population growth causes food demand substantially exceeds supply, therefore starvation problem is becoming more and more serious in those countries. If this situation persists, it will inevitably affect local harmonious and stability. For the government of these areas, improve the agricultural investment and use some more advanced agricultural equipment can effectively solve starvation problem and then enhance citizens’ quality of life. Therefore, in these countries, agricultural development is more important than environmental protection.

While, on the other hand, for most developing countries and developed countries, government should properly reduce the utilization rate of agricultural machines thereby ensuring countries’ sustainable development. If government just focusing on developing agriculture while ignoring environmental protection, human-beings will pay a heavy price for such behaviors as it will cause amount of more serious environmental problems, such as air pollution, energy crisis, global warming and climate change. In addition, agricultural development can be considered as a current and short-term problem while environmental protection can be considered as a long-term problem. Therefore it is selfish that current people just focus on their present profit and requirement while ignoring the negative effects, which will bring to their descendants.

In summary, I would concede that environmental protection is as important as agricultural development for current society. Nevertheless, for those undeveloped countries or areas, government should give priority to developing agriculture thereby solving the starvation problem. On the other hand, for other countries, government should keep a balance between agricultural development and environmental protection. I firmly believe these two issues can well compatible with each other as long as people can optionally use those advanced technologies.

(423 Words)


1 、Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.

2 、Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.

3 、The environmental issue is too complex to be handled by the individual. The food we eat today is much healthier than in the past.


We should state our honest opinions even though other people may disagree with them.


In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities.


Teaching is harder than it was in the past. 

分类: 今夕对比类


思路1 : 同意

1. 现在学生们要学的 知识多且复杂;

2. 现在的学生越来越不好管理,对老师的管理能力提出更高要求;

3. 教育资源丰富舍得学生能够判断出老师水平,侧面给老师教学带来压力;

思路2 : 不同意

1. 现在很多学校有团队?起合作备课;

2. 现在网络资源非常丰富,可以供老师参考,而且很多管理学生的书籍;

3. 现在各种设备比如电脑和投影仪的使用都有助于老师的教学;

扩展题目 :

Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.

Young people today do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. 

关键词:7月6日 小范围预测 机经




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