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关键字  机经预测 托福写作 7月6日 托福机经
2014-06-30 来源:互联网 作者: 阅读量: 手机阅读











(3)宗教用途. 如果是的话,应该所有有共同宗教信仰的村子都有,但是有的村子有,有的村子没有。

The reading passage proposes three hypotheses regarding the functions of the Erdstall, a narrow, underground structure built in [ name of place mentioned in the reading ]. However, the lecture points to the weakness of the three hypotheses.

First, the Erdstall could have been used to keep livestock or to store food. However, the lecturer argues that the Erdstall is not rainwater-proof. Particularly in the winter, the Erdstall could have been flooded. So it is not an ideal place to store food. Furthermore, no traces of grain have been found in the Erdstall. Therefore, the storage hypothesis is unlikely.

Second, the Erdstall could be a shelter against attack or burglary. This is also not possible in the lecturer’s opinion, because, as he argues, the Erdstall is so small that it could barely accommodate one family, and the oxygen inside the Erdstall is sufficient to sustain only one person. Another obvious weakness of this hypothesis is that the Erdstall has only one entry point and does not have an exit, making it unlikely to serve as an escape route.

Finally, it is theorized that the Erdstall could have religious functions, serving as a chamber of soul for the deceased. Yet if this were true, according to the lecture, the Erdstall should have been found in every village across the whole region which shares the same religion. The fact, however, is that the Erdstall is only present in some, not all, of the villages. So the religion hypothesis is unconvincing, either.


2. (命中指数:5星)

阅读: lionfish 从Indo 洋扩展到太平洋了,阅读中有三种方法来解决:

(1)人工捕捉它们来protect coral reef 生物系统

(2)把他们引入fish market,这样可以减少对 local fish 的需要,让他们能有时间 recover



(1)人工捕捉无法区分lionfish 和其他鱼,很多 rare 的鱼也都在coral reef ,会牵连其他鱼种

(2)引进市场会导致有人人工养殖。 Lionfish 如果从 fish farm escape ,这就造成了更严重的 invasive 问题

(3)有些lionfish 是有毒的,吃了以后会造成 vomiting numbness arching,我们无法检验每一条鱼,所以吃他们unsafe。



[1]. Lionfish are known for eating anything they can fit in their mouths, and seem to eat nearly constantly. During a study of invasive lionfish in the Bahamas, one lionfish was observed to eat twenty small fish in the space of thirty minutes and reduce the juvenile fish populations greatly. Fast-growing and capable of reproducing year-round, lionfish are also out-competing native species and spreading more quickly than anyone predicted.

With their indiscriminant eating habits, lionfish eat out other species in a rapid speed, which prevent algal overgrowth on reefs and therefore a healthier reef environment. The Caribbean lionfish invasion could become the most disastrous marine invasion in history by drastically decreasing the abundance of coral reef fishes throughout the entire region. Thus, they should be caught for the reason of protecting the coral reef.

[2]. On the same line, since lionfish directly impact populations of numerous fish and crustacean species, including commercially valuable species like snappers, groupers, lobsters and so on. By catching lionfish, the reduced number of them will allow other fishes, especially the fish for the local market purpose to recover and bounce back in numbers.

[3]. Lionfish make for delicious, delicate, economical fillets that offer a perfect pop of protein and low fat meat. There are no catch limits, and they can be prepared dozens of ways. Once stripped of its venomous spines, cleaned and filleted like any other fish , the lionfish becomes delectable seafood fare. This is a great source of nutrients for the local people.


[1]. When human capturing the lionfish, they ‘also catch other fishes at the same time. Where lionfish appears, there are many other fishes around. Besides, there are many rare fish, such as species like parrotfish, which can prevent algal overgrowth on reefs and or lobsters that catch starfish for the wholesomeness of the reef environment. Thus, this methods will not allow people to distinguish which fish is which fish and will eventually hurt everything in that area.

[2]. In the second place, if lionfish is introduced to the fish market, the "benefits" of selling such fish will turn into the private fishing farm problem. In other words, fish-selling people will artificially propagate or artificially cultivate lionfish. As we all know that farmed fish may escape the pen's netting and this will cause more serious invasive problem to the local ecosystem.

[3]. Thirdly, after tests of nearly 200 lionfish show that more than a quarter exceed federal levels for a toxin that cannot only cause - diarrhea, vomiting and fatigue - but also neurological problems such as painfully tingling hands and feet, a feeling of having loose teeth, and, oddest of all, a reversed sense of temperature. Besides, we cannot examine all the fish one by one, so this is not a sound and safe idea.

>>   >>  

3.(命中指数:5星)在 Rhone river 发现了一个bust

阅读:passage 里面认为是罗马的一个leader-西泽大帝,原因有三。


(2)雕塑特点和罗马铸币上西泽相似(the style of hair);

(3)发现雕塑的地点在一条河,以前人们想销毁它,因为有新的leader 上任,留着它是不respect。

听力:lecture 完全反驳这个观点,原因有三。


(2)雕塑的特点也不完全一致,西泽有Slim nose and long leg,和雕塑不符合;

(3)最后一原因罗马人把没有用的雕塑都往河里扔,举了一个叫Neptune 的雕塑,是古罗马的一个神。

The lecture and the reading passage both talk about a life-size marble bust, found during an archaeological excavation and retrieved from the bed of the river Rhone. While the author of the passage attributes this bust to Julius Caesar, the lecturer refutes each of the arguments presented in the reading.

First, the style of the portrait could not be used as evidence to show that this bust was that of Julius Caesar. Although the bust was made in a style very popular during Caesar’s time, this style continued to be popular many years after Caesar died. Therefore, this bust could very well have been made in a much later time for someone other than Caesar.

Second, the similarities between the bust and the portrait of Caesar on silver coins were rather limited to the hair only. In other features such as the neck and the nose, there are many obvious differences. If the bust was Caesar’s, then it should have looked the same in all features to other portraits of Caesar.

Finally, the location where the bust was found could not prove anything. Archaeological study also excavated other items from the same place including a sculpture for the God of Neptune. This indicates that people could have thrown things into the river because they have become useless rather than because of political reasons, as what the reading suggests.

关键词:机经预测 托福写作 7月6日 机经





4.阅读: To Build Crossings for wildlife 的缺点

(1)动物不会用这些为他们建的 crossings; they are not trained to make use of it

(2)弄这些crossings 很浪费钱啊: Financial waste

(3)而且the areas affected by road or by other human development that have already been damaged too much. Not a long term strategy. 因栖息地都坏掉,不要(无法)建crossings,这样可以保护动物待在同一个区,虽然这样也许会让 population 下降。


(1)说虽然动物现在不会用这些 crossings,但是他们是可以学习的嘛,比如十年后,他们就会用了。

(2)教授说不浪费钱啊,动物和人之间的 collisions 不仅对动物,对人类也造成了很大伤害,很多人都受伤了还是怎么的,说考虑到这些因素,建 crossings 能保护人类啊。

(3)教授说动物们待在一个保护区里不能去别的地方,数量当然下降了, crossings 可以连结 fragmental 的栖息地,然后动物就可以自由自在的穿梭,繁衍生息

Casting doubts on the issue whether or not wildlife crossings should be made for the greatest benefits of human beings and wildlife creatures, the speaker holds a perspective contrary to the reading passage.

The first point is about whether the animals can use the crossings and it means that if animals do not know how to make use of the crossings, it is not advantageous to the building plan; however, from the listening passage, it says that animals can be trained to use the man-made crossings. For example, the bear and wolves cases in the listening that they can make use of the crossings after certain time, such as a decade co-existing with the crossings. The reading passage nevertheless holds that those wildlife animals cannot use the crossings and the building plan will be invalid.

Secondly, according to the speaker, it is not a financial waste for building wildlife crossings. If there are no crossings built, the damage can be made not just to animals, but to vehicles and to humans. Building wildlife crossings is conducive to mutual benefits; thus it is not wasting money. This likewise refutes the author from the passage in that building wildlife crossings is a total waste of money; it will not help humans to save money on the accidents.

Thirdly, the speaker thinks that building wildlife crossings can actually help animal solve the fragmentation problem by creating links and bridges that overcome the main barriers such roads and other human development so that animal can have full access to all their territories. This can provide them more opportunities to survive, thrive and grow as they have more chances to find food and reproduce. Yet, the reading indicates it is better to keep wildlife animals in reserved areas where they can better be protected. In short, the points put forth about the wildlife crossings in the reading and listening are contradictory.

5.(命中指数:5星)Transient lunar phenomena (TLP)




(2)the moon get a lot of METEORS STRIKING as the earth.

(3)the stone on the moon absorbs energy from the sun reflection



(1)we can observe the TLP in 2 special places;

(2)这种现象虽然发生但只有1秒,而TLP can keep about 20 minutes every time。


Transient lunar phenomenon, or TLP, is the change in color and light on the surface of the Moon, a phenomenon that is often reported in astronomical observations of the moon, particularly of the Aristarchus plateau region on the Moon. The reading passage suggests three plausible hypotheses to explain the occurrence of TLP, each of which is refuted in the lecture.

First, the reading suggests that TLP might have been caused by random flaws in observational equipment such as the telescope. However, the professor argues that if TLP were indeed caused by flaws in measurement, then such phenomenon would have been observed everywhere on the Earth. But the fact is that TLP can only been observed from two special locations on the Earth.

The second hypothesis is meteor impact, which occurs on the Moon’s surface as frequently as it does on the Earth. This theory is also refuted by the professor, who argues that the impact of a meteor strike only lasts about 1 second, but TLP can be observed for as long as 20 minutes. Clearly, meteor strike could not have been the cause.

Finally, according to the reading, the stones on the moon may have absorbed and reflected light from the Sun. It is such reflection that may have caused TLP. Yet the lecturer is skeptical about this hypothesis. He(she) says that even though rocks can reflect light from the Sun, such reflection is much weaker compared with the light observed in a TLP event.

关键词:机经预测 托福写作 7月6日 机经




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