Shinyway Education Expo- Summer 2024 Login

2024 春季教育展登录

Additional Remarks/附加说明
Registration will be closed 2 weeks prior to the date of each stop. However, some popular stops will be filled very fast and close registration even earlier. Please register as soon as possible to secure your place at those cities./每个站点会在展会开始 的2周前关闭注册, 部分热门城市的展位会因提 前满位而更早关闭注册,所以请尽早注册以便能 确保您在这些城市的展位。
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our project managers accordingly via E-mail or phone. /如果您有任何问题或者需要任何帮助,请通过 邮件或者电话与我们的项目经理联系。
Phone:(86) 0571-87903032